Dean Emeritus Bare presents Professor Gordon Bradley with the UW Forest Resources Alumni Association's 2009 Honorary Alumnus award. November 7, 2009
Presentation from 3rd International Faustmann Symposium, Darmstadt, Germany. October 30, 2009
Dean Bare's message as the College transitions into the School of Forest Resources. June 29, 2009
Dean Bare announces decisions regarding realignment of CFR research centers. June 18, 2009
UW Board of Regents approve transfer of CFR into the College of the Environment as the School of Forest Resources. June 12, 2009
Dean Bare's comments at the Arboretum Foundation's Annual Meeting. June 11, 2009
Dean Bare announces policy for indirect cost recovery on grants/contracts. June 10, 2009
Interim Dean Dennis Hartmann describes Dean Bare's new administrative role after July 1, 2009. June 6, 2009
Interim Dean Dennis Hartmann sends a welcome message to the CFR community as we join the College of the Environment as the School of Forest Resources. June 6, 2009
President Emmert announces final decision to transition CFR into the School of Forest Resources into the College of the Environment. June 3, 2009
Remarks of Dean Bare at 2009 WPPF Annual Luncheon. May 28, 2009
Dean Bare presents FY 10 budget reductions at all-college meeting. May 27, 2009
Dean Bare updates the College on final budget reductions for FY 10. May 18, 2009
Dean Bare announces space allocation decisions. May 18, 2009
Dean Bare announces that Dr. Ernesto Alvarado will join our faculty on July 1, 2009. May 15, 2009
Dean Bare's presentation at the Denman Forestry Issues Series on The Future of Forestry in the Pacific Northwest. May 14, 2009
Dean Bare announces space decisions. May 6, 2009
Dean Bare asks supervisors of CFR professional staff to complete performance reviews. May 1, 2009
Dean Bare announces FY 10 state permanent budget reductions for the College. April 29, 2009
Dean Bare's comments at the joint Earth Day - SCA event in the Washington Park Arboretum. April 18, 2009
Ad Hoc School of Forest Resources Organization Report released. April 6, 2009
Dean Bare requests nominations for the Denman Professorship in Sustainable Resource Science. April 6, 2009
Dean Bare presents FY 2010 College budget reduction proposal to Provost Wise. April 6, 2009
CFR Review Committee Report (final draft) released. March 31, 2009
Dean Bare announces that Professor Kern Ewing has won the S. Sterling Munro Public Service Teaching Award. March 26, 2009
Dean Bare forms Ad Hoc CFR Web Advisory Committee. March 23, 2009
Dean Bare announces reduction in endowment distributions. March 20, 2009
Dean Bare announces creation of a CFR RCEP web site. March 15, 2009; Updated: June 12, 2009
Dean Bare's powerpoint presentation to an all-college meeting on his state budget reduction plan for the CFR. March 11, 2009
Dean Bare announces availability of the final report of the Ad Hoc CFR Centers Review Committee. March 4, 2009
Dean Bare announces creation of a College State Budget Information Web Site. February 15, 2009; Updated May 27, 2009
Dean Bare announces equipment allocation decisions for FY 2009. February 5, 2009
Dean Bare appoints an Ad Hoc School of Forest Resources Organization Committee. January 13, 2009
Dean Bare appoints an Ad Hoc CFR Centers Review Committee. December 9, 2008
Dean Bare seeks requests from College faculty and staff for equipment purchases. December 9, 2008
Dean Bare appoints an Ad Hoc CFR Budget Advisory Committee to advise the College on how best to absorb reductions in the College's State budget. December 5, 2009
Dean Bare describes elements of CFR's possible transition into the SFR within the College of the Environment. November 28, 2008
Dean Bare discusses the State budget situation and its impact on the College. November 26, 2008
Dean Bare announces administrative changes at UWBG. November 26, 2008
Dean Bare requests a strategic plan from each College research center, cooperative or program. October 21, 2008
Dean Bare discusses reductions in UW's state general funding. October 10, 2008
Dean Bare establishes a faculty search committee for a research faculty member in wildland fire science. October 9, 2008
Dean Bare communicates with the faculty about the relationship between the new College of the Environment and our College. September 28, 2008
Presentation to UW Board of Regents concerning Implementation of the Washington Park Arboretum Master Plan. September 18, 2008
Dean Bare distributes the official record of the CFR Strategic Planning Retreat. September 18, 2008
Dean Bare's opening comments presented to the CFR All-College Retreat. September 16, 2008
Dean Bare's proposal to create the UW Environmental Alliance. September 15, 2008
Dean Bare describes the process used to distribute faculty merit and retention salary funds. September 11, 2008
Dean Bare announces a change in leadership of the Water Center. September 4, 2008
SAF's 'The Forestry Source' prints Dean Bare's comments on forestry education at the UW. August 14, 2008
Dean Bare announces Professor Greg Ettl as the first holder of the Ridgeway Professorship in Forest Resources. August 4, 2008
Dean Bare announces space decisions. June 20, 2008
Dean Bare's views on the proposed College of the Environment. June 17, 2008
Dean Bare comments on the road ahead regarding the proposed College of the Environment. June 1, 2008
Dean Bare announces faculty merit and retention salary increase policy. May 21, 2008
Dean Bare asks supervisors of CFR professional staff to complete performance reviews. May 7, 2008
The Lockwood Foundation creates the Byron and Alice Lockwood Endowed Professorship through a five-year pledge. April 22, 2008
Dean Bare announces nomination process for Ridgeway Professorship. April 22, 2008
Dean Bare sends 2009-11 College budget request to Provost Wise. April 21, 2008
Dean Bare's opening comments at the joint Earth Day - SCA event in the Washington Park Arboretum. April 19, 2008
Dean Bare appoints a search committee for an assistant professor faculty position in the conservation of wildlife resources. March 13, 2008
Dean Bare appoints a search committee for an assistant professor faculty position in the human dimensions of natural resource management. March 13, 2008
Dean Bare's opening comments at the Annual CFR Graduate Student Symposium. February 29, 2008
Dean Bare announces that Sandra Lier will become the interim director of the UWBG on March 3, 2008. January 31, 2008
Dean Bare announces space decisions. January 25, 2008
Dean Bare appoints search committee for professor and director of the UWBG. January 13, 2008
Dean Bare announces equipment allocation decisions for FY 2008. December 19, 2007
Dean Bare announces the departure of UWBG Director David Mabberley. December 4, 2007
Dean Bare announces space allocation decisions. November 16, 2007
Dean Bare's presentation at the Washington Forest Protection Association Annual Meeting. November 15, 2007
Seattle Times editorial congratulates the College on its 100th year anniversary. November 3, 2007
Dean Bare updates his views on the possible formation of a new College of the Environment. November 2, 2007
Dean Bare's presentation from the UW CFR Alumni Reception, SAF Annual Convention. October 24, 2007
Dean Bare's presentation at the SAF Annual Convention on Higher Education for Future Foresters. October 24, 2007
Dean Bare seeks requests from College faculty and staff for equipment purchases. September 28, 2007
Dean Bare's opening remarks at all-College retreat. September 25, 2007
Dean Bare discusses the status of an initiative which may lead to a new College at the University of Washington. September 21, 2007
Dean Bare distributes memo describing process used to distribute faculty merit salary funds. September 6, 2007
Dean Bare's presentation (English, Spanish)at University of Guadalajara in Autlan, Mexico during signing of new MOU. August 29, 2007
Two CFR faculty awarded endowed faculty positions. August 9, 2007
Dean Bare announces space decisions. August 3, 2007
Dean Bare announces release of the final report entitled, The Future of Washington's Forests and Forest Industries. July 31, 2007
Dean Bare announces two new faculty hires for the College. July 24, 2007
Dean Bare announces space decisions. June 15, 2007
Dean Bare clarifies the merit salary allocations for professional and classified staff employees. May 31, 2007
Dean Bare announces procedures for allocating the faculty merit pool. May 31, 2007
Dean Bare announces the availability of The Future of Washington Forests. May 16, 2007
Provost Wise memo to the CFR Community on the reappointment of Dean Bare. May 14, 2007
Dean Bare video of UW Daily interview about the Centennial Year of the College. May 11, 2007
New alcohol and drug policy announced for the College. May 7, 2007
Dean Bare asks all College faculty and staff to review UW Workplace Violence policies and procedures. April 25, 2007
Dean Bare announces that Bloedel 292 has been refurbished as a small meeting space and is open for business. April 25, 2007
Dean Bare's opening comments at the joint Earth Day - SCA event in the Washington Park Arboretum. April 21, 2007
Dean Bare asks supervisors of CFR professional staff to complete performance reviews by June 1, 2007. April 13, 2007
Dean Bare announces guidelines for the discretioary Long Fund. April 9, 2007
Dean Bare announces updates to the College's Faculty Effort Certification policy. April 9, 2007
Dean Bare seeks nominations for endowed faculty positions. April 3, 2007
Dean Bare describes the College's strategic vision and resource needs in a meeting with the Provost. March 21, 2007
Powerpoint of Centennial Lecture of Dean Bare dealing with the future of natural resources in the PNW. March 8, 2007
Dean Bare's presentation at the SW Washington Chapter of the Society of American Foresters. February 20, 2007
Dean Bare announces space decision. February 15, 2007
Dean Bare announces equipment allocations for 2006-07. February 2, 2007
Dean Bare announces the David R. M. Scott Professorship. February 2, 2007
Dean Bare's opening comments at the Centennial Legislative Reception. January 31, 2007
Faculty Chair Bradley announces an update of the College faculty portfolio. January 23, 2007
Dean Bare announces CFR Resources Committee space recommendations and his decisions. January 20, 2007
Dean Bare invites all College faculty and students to the January 31st College Centennial Legislative Reception. January 12, 2007
A report to the Provost dealing with the Organization of UW Schools and Colleges is available for review. January 4, 2007
Dean Bare announces College space decisions. December 21, 2006
Dean Bare solicits equipment requests from faculty and staff of the College. November 25, 2006
Dean Bare announces how the Denman Professorship in Pulp and Paper Science will be used this academic year. November 5, 2006
UWeek story describes the College's recent new faculty bus tour. November 2, 2206
Dean Bare's self-study report submitted as part of his five year review. October 29, 2006
Dean Bare announces the signing of an MOU with the Faculty of Forestry at UBC. October 20, 2006
Dean Bare announces some College space decisions. October 16, 2006
Dean Bare reinvigorates discussion on student recruitment issues. October 13, 2006
Dean Bare's powerpoint presentation at Western Research Forest Managers Meeting, CSF PF. October 2, 2006
Dean Bare and CFRAA President Ann Forest Burns invite College faculty, staff and students to the November 3 annual banquet and faculty showcase. September 26, 2006
Provost appoints committee to conduct five-year review of Dean Bare. September 21, 2006
Dean Bare announces the signing of an MOU with Seoul National University. September 11, 2006
Dean Bare announces space decisions. September 4, 2006
Dean Bare appoints CFR Curriculum Committee membership. August 21, 2006
Dean Bare appoints faculty search committee for natural resource informatics position. August 21, 2006
UW Board of Regents approve two College endowed faculty appointments. August 17, 2006
Dean Bare announces space decisions. August 11, 2006
Dean Bare welcomes nine new faculty to the College. August 10, 2006
Dean Bare appoints faculty search committee for Natural Resource Economist position. August 10, 2006
Dean Bare announces new procedure governing summer salary requests. June 6, 2006
Professor Mabberley receives Linnean Medal. June 2, 2006
Dean Bare posts process College uses in seeking nominations for endowed faculty positions. June 2, 2006
Dean Bare seeks to establish a new center of excellence focusing on bioresource science and technology. May 28, 2006
Dean Bare announces new Faculty Chair and Vice Chair appointments. May 23, 2006
CFR faculty approve revised process for electing the Chair and Vice Chair. May 22, 2006
Dean Bare discusses the need to examine the use of temporary sources of state funds for teaching by TAs and non-tenured faculty. May 17, 2006
Dean Bare announces plans for implementing the 2006 merit salary increase for the College's professional staff. May 17, 2006
Dean Bare releases the Ad Hoc ESRM Recruitment Committee Report. April 27, 2006
Dean Bare announces revised CFR (Bloedel) Wood Shop policy. April 27, 2006
Dean Bare acknowledges and thanks all faculty, staff and students who assisted with the recent SAF Accreditation Review Site Visit. April 14, 2006
Dean Bare announces revised space allocation guidelines for College. April 13, 2006
Dean Bare proposes plan for Faculty Effort Certification in CFR. April 12, 2006 (Revised: April 27, 2006)
College recycling plans featured in University Week. April 9, 2006
Dean Bare describes the College's strategic vision and resource needs in a meeting with the Provost. April 4, 2006
Dean Bare recognizes two outstanding CFR faculty. April 3, 2006
Dean Bare posts a profile comparison of the College versus various UWS colleges and schools. April 2, 2006
Dean Bare's comments regarding his endorsement of the Settlement Agreement involving the State's forested trustlands. March 21, 2006
Dean Bare announces winner of CFR recycling proposal contest. March 17, 2006
UW Foundation Chair William Gates and Vice Chair Orin Smith offer positive reflections on the College. March 17, 2006
Dean Bare announces the arrival of Dr. Christian Torgersen, USGS scientist. March 14, 2006
Dean Bare announces faculty salary compression adjustments. March 3, 2006
Dean Bare announces new Master's program in Forest Management. February 21, 2006
Dean Bare's keynote address on Sustainable Forestry in the West: Past, Present, and Future presented at the Bill Lane Center for the Study of the North American West, Stanford University. February 2, 2006
Dean Bare announces procedures for treating the faculty salary compression adjustments in CFR. January 22, 2006
Dean Bare approves the allocation of state equipment funds to College faculty and staff. January 9, 2006
Dean Bare appoints an ad hoc SAF accreditation review committee. January 6, 2006
Dean Bare accepts the CFR Directions Steering Committee report on three-year goals and objectives for the College. December 1, 2005
Dean Bare announces funding for the Denman Chair in Bioresource Science and Engineering. October 25, 2005
Dean Bare appoints four committees to search for new faculty at the assistant professor level in environmental economics, natural resource restoration and management, quantitative landscape analysis, and bio-resource science. October 24, 2005 (Revised: October 31, 2005)
Dean Bare appoints a faculty search committee for a natural resource informatics assistant or associate professor. October 24, 2005
Dean Bare solicits equipment requests from faculty and staff of the College. October 12, 2005
Dean Bare poses challenge to members of the College to advance ways to exceed the 60% paper recycling goal at UW. October 7, 2005
Dean Bare announces space decisions. October 7, 2005
Dean Bare's presentation at the 20th Anniversary of the Stand Management Cooperative meeting. September 20, 2005
Dean Bare's powerpoint presentation from all-college strategic planning retreat. September 20, 2005
Dean Bare announces pending changes in CFR administrative procedures. September 14, 2005
New office hours for Dean's Office. September 1, 2005
Dean Bare informs College community of Public Records Act requirements. August 29, 2005
Dean Bare announces that CWWS will now be known as The Water Center. August 22, 2005
Dean Bare announces space decisions. August 5, 2005
Seattle Times endorses the UWBG and the UW Capital Campaign. August 2, 2005
Dean Bare announces new administrative arrangement for CQS. June 20, 2005
Dean Bare discusses on-going space issues. June 19, 2005
Provost Thorud approves four 'bridge' faculty positions for the College. June 16, 2005
Dean Bare announces the creation of the UW Botanic Gardens as a new unit of the College. June 10, 2005
Dean Bare updates the College on the ongoing process to bring in new faculty. June 6, 2005
Merit salary policy for faculty and professional staff clarified by Dean Bare. May 6, 2005
Dean Bare announces a new Campaign UW program for faculty, staff and retirees. May 4, 2005
Dean Bare's comments at the Washington State DNR press conference announcing SFI certification of the state's forest trust lands in western Washington. May 3, 2005
Strategic planning documents presented to the Provost by Dean Bare. May 1, 2005
Dean Bare announces procedures for faculty and professional staff merit salary increases. April 17, 2005
Dean Bare announces space allocation decisions. April 17, 2005
Dean Bare appoints an ad hoc committee to initiate a review of the College's direction and to identify specific goals we should strive to achieve over the next five years. March 14, 2005
Dean Bare appoints a faculty search committee for a remote sensing and biospatial analysis assistant or associate professor. March 4, 2005
Dean Bare's opening comments at the CFR Graduate Student Symposium. February 25, 2005
Dean Bare appoints Professor Gordon Bradley as Faculty Vice Chair. February 25, 2005
Dean Bare welcomes Dr. David Mabberley as the new director of CUH and the Washington Park Arboretum. February 17, 2005
Dean Bare announces Dr. Ivan Eastin as the new director of CINTRAFOR. February 17, 2005
Dean Bare announces space allocation decisions. February 7, 2005
Dean Bare announces changes in the leadership of the Center for Urban Horticulture and the Washington Park Arboretum. February 6, 2005
Professor David Briggs appointed to the Corkery Family Chair. February 3, 2005
Dean Bare appoints a faculty search committee for a landscape plant science and sustainable management assistant professor. February 2, 2005
Dean Bare sends President Emmert a one-page College vision statement. January 21, 2005
Dean Bare's comments at the dedication of Merrill Hall. January 19, 2005
Dean Bare announces that Arbor Day not to be held in 2005. January 12, 2005
Dean Bare announces equipment allocations for the 2004-05 academic year. January 10, 2005
Dean Bare announces that Pack Forest has been certified under the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Standard. January 5, 2005
Dean Bare appoints Professor David Briggs as director of the Precision Forestry Cooperative. December 22, 2004
Dr John Wott's appointment as acting director of CUH and director of the Washington Park Arboretum extended. December 22, 2004
Dean Bare announces formation of a WOT faculty search committee for director of the Center for Sustainable Forestry. December 21, 2004
UW Regents appoint Professor John Marzluff to Denman Professor in Sustainable Resource Sciences. December 19, 2004
Dean Bare's memo to the Provost seeking four 'bridge' faculty positions. December 12, 2004
Dean Bare anounces revisions to the Working Together Agreement for Implementation of the WPA Master Plan. December 9, 2004
Dean Bare announces formation of a faculty search committee for a natural products chemist. December 2, 2004
University approves the creation and naming of the Northwest Environmental Forum at the College of Forest Resources. November 17, 2004
Dean Bare's comments on the Lake Whatcom Landscape Plan Preferred Alternative. November 2, 2004
Dean Bare announces space decisions for the College. October 27, 2004.
Announcement concerning the CFRAA Annual Banquet and College Research Showcase. October 21, 2004
UW President Mark Emmert visits the College. October 16, 2004
Dean Bare solicits equipment requests from faculty and staff of the College. October 15, 2004
Dean Bare requests support for the Northwest Environmental Forum. October 3, 2004
Dean Bare announces that Dr John Wott continues as Acting Director of CUH. September 23, 2004
Dean Bare's presentation concerning the College's future research agenda. September 21, 2004
Dean Bare approves College space proposals. September 17, 2004
Dean Bare's statement before the Board of Natural Resources endorsing the Preferred Alternative for the Sustainable Timber Harvest from western Washington's State Forests. September 7, 2004
President Emmert to visit College on October 12. September 2, 2004
Come Together Washington event planned for October 15, 2004. September 2, 2004
Dean Bare endorses the College's commitment to achieving sustainable forestry at Pack Forest through the SFI Standard. August 31, 2004
UW News and Information press release announcing the hiring of Dr David Mabberley. August 27, 2004
Dean Bare announces purchase of video conferencing equipment for the College. August 24, 2004
Dean Bare's comments before the 1st Filipino Foresters' Reunion in North America. August 21, 2004
Report and recommendations of the Ad Hoc Forest Resources Library Space Work Group are endorsed by Dean Bare. July 4, 2004
Dean Bare forms a new group made up of administrative directors in the dean's office. July 3, 2004
Dean Bare forms an ad hoc group to develop a strategic plan for the College's information services needs. July 3, 2004
Dean Bare announces that Dr David Mabberley will become the next director of the Center for Urban Horticulture and the Washington Park Arboretum. June 28, 2004
Dean Bare's presentation before the Western Hardwood Association Annual Meeting. June 27, 2004
Dean Bare announces new Working Together Agreement for Development between the City of Seattle, The Arboretum Foundation, and the University. June 21, 2004
Dean Bare's presentation before the Education for Sustainability - Western Network Workshop. June 18, 2004
Dean Bare posts recent College briefing documents describing our vision for the future. June 18, 2004
Dean Bare appoints Dr John Wott as Acting Director of CUH. June 8, 2004.
Dean Bare announces space allocation decisions for the College. June 6, 2004
Dean Bare announces receipt of a University Innovation and Redesign award. June 3, 2004
Future Directions Report released by a College ad hoc committee. May 3, 2004
Dean Bare and Betsy Wilson extend their thanks to the Forest Resources Library and Natural Sciences Library Merger Joint Working Group. April 29, 2004
Dean Bare announces procedures for faculty and professional staff merit salary increases. April 27, 2004.
Dean Bare appoints an ad hoc work group to recommend uses for vacated Forest Resources Library space. April 26, 2004.
Dean Bare advises College community of changes in financial control procedures. April 21, 2004
Dean Bare announces hiring of new Administrative Coordinator for Development. April 20, 2004
Dean Bare creates the Center for Sustainable Forestry at Pack Forest. April 14, 2004
Dean Bare appoints Professor David Briggs as Faculty Vice Chair. March 3, 2004
Dean Bare appoints the Future Directions Ad Hoc Committee. February 15, 2004
Dean Bare's presentation before the USDA Forest Service research communicators meeting. February 10, 2004
Dean Bare releases chart showing functional responsibilities of the dean and associate deans. February 2, 2004
Dean Bare announces new committee structure for the College. February 2, 2004
Dean Bare calls for further discussion on the future of the College. January 27, 2004.
Dean Bare announces new financial management responsibilities in College. January 19, 2004
The College plans for a smooth transition as new College curricula take effect. January 18, 2004
Dean Bare's views on the management of Washington State's forest trust assets. January 6, 2004
Dean Bare announces formation of a faculty search committee for the Director of CINTRAFOR. January 6, 2004
Equipment allocation decisions announced by Dean Bare for 2003-04 academic year. January 5, 2004
Dean Bare announces his intention to create a Center for Sustainable Forestry at Pack Forest. December 23, 2003
Dean Bare proposes to pursue green certification for Pack Forest. December 23, 2003
Dean Bare announces appointment of Dr Rick Gustafson as new Faculty Chair. December 22, 2003
President Huntsman gives final approval to the College's RCEP proposal to transform the curriculum. December 19, 2003.
Dean Bare distributes College computing policy. December 16, 2003.
Strategic Plan for College Outreach Activities announced by Dean Bare. November 18, 2003
Dean Bare solicits equipment requests from faculty and staff of the College. November 16, 2003
Dean Bare's presentation to the College Visiting and Capital Campaign Committees. November 14, 2003
CFR-RCEP Review Committee Report supports the College's new Environmental Science and Resource Management curriculum proposal. October 29, 2003.
Dean Bare announces formation of a faculty search committee for the Director of the Advanced Technology Initiative/Precision Forestry Cooperative. October 20, 2003.
Dean Bare's powerpoint presentation on the vision of the College. Presented at the South Puget Sound Chapter, SAF. October 16, 2003.
Dean Bare announces formation of a faculty search committee for the Director of the Center for Urban Horticulture and the Washington Park Arboretum. October 2, 2003.
Copy of Dean Bare's remarks at the Merrill Hall ground breaking ceremony. October 1, 2003.
CFR Retreat Summary is available for review. September 27, 2003.
CFR-RCEP Review Committee appointed. September 14, 2003.
Dean Bare summarizes permanent state College budget reductions for FY 2003-2004. September 12, 2003.
Mr Brian Boyle hired on a part time basis to advise and assist the Dean with several initiatives within the College. September 7, 2003.
Dean Bare distributes RCEP data for faculty review and discussion. September 1, 2003.
Dean Bare announces revisions to September 2003 meetings to discuss organizational change and related management issues. August 31, 2003.
Dean Bare announces September 2003 meetings to discuss organizational change and related management issues. August 6, 2003.
Dean Bare announces procedure for processing faculty and professional staff merit salary increases. June 17, 2003.
Dean Bare's introductory comments to the Second International Precision Forestry Symposium. June 15, 2003
Dean Bare announces new Peace Corps Masters International program. June 12, 2003.
Dean Bare announces new Interim College Lands Manager appointment. June 9, 2003.
Provost approves College request to initiate search for senior tenured professor and director of the Precision Forestry Cooperative. June 7, 2003.
Dean Bare announces decisions and background related to Pack Forest. June 5, 2003.
Dean Bare implements permanent state budget reduction strategy for the coming FY. May 21, 2003.
Dean Bare announces a new structure for College Outreach. May 14, 2003.
Dean Bare announces final version of academic policy guidelines for the College. May 5, 2003.
A/B Faculty Salary Policy implemented for CFR. April 16, 2003.
Dean Bare proposes an FY04 budget reduction plan for the College. April 8, 2003.
Dean Bare appoints College Graduate Curriculum Committee. April 5, 2003.
Dean Bare appoints an Ad Hoc ESRM Core Course Curriculum Group. April 4, 2003.
Dean Bare announces two appointments in College Development Office. April 4, 2003.
Dean Bare receives authority to formally review the College's undergraduate and graduate curricula. April 3, 2003.
Dean Bare's Powerpoint presentation at the Northwest Scientific Association meeting at ONRC. March 27, 2003.
College Ad Hoc Curriculum Group releases final report on undergraduate curriculum transformation. March 19, 2003.
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer publishes a story about the College. March 15, 2003
Dean Bare's Powerpoint introductory remarks on urban forestry presented at the Urban Forestry Symposium. March 13, 2003.
Powerpoint description of the proposed Northwest Environmental Forum. March 11, 2003.
Dean Bare proposes an A/B CFR faculty retention salary model for review. March 10, 2003.
Dean Bare releases his budget allocation principles and requests feedback. March 10, 2003.
Dean Bare asks the Elected Faculty Council for input on a merit-based salary increase for faculty during the next FY. March 7, 2003.
Dean Bare's powerpoint presentation on the vision of the College. Presented at the SW Washington Chapter, SAF. February 16, 2003.
Salary policy for professional staff salary increases announced. February 11, 2003.
Dean Bare releases DRAFT statement on academic policy issues for discussion. February 9, 2003.
Topics discussed at the All-College Meeting. January 29, 2003.
All-College Meeting planned for January 28, 2003. January 17, 2003.
Dean Bare asks all College staff to participate in on-going budget reduction strategy discussions with the Ad Hoc Staff Budget Advisory Group. January 14, 2003.
The Seattle Times publishes a story about the College December 22, 2002
Dean Bare comments on the recent faculty curriculum vote . December 21, 2002.
All CFR students are invited to provide input into College budget discussions in early January. November 27, 2002.
Dean Bare appoints a CFR Staff Budget Advisory Group. November 22, 2002.
Dean Bare asks Staff Budget Advisory Group and Elected Faculty Council for advise on budget strategy and priorities. November 22, 2002.
Dean Bare asks CFR Unit leaders for advice on how to increase efficicencies while maintaining essential core services. November 22, 2002.
Powerpoint of Dean Bare's Denman Forestry Issues Series presentation on Seeking Sustainability. November 18, 2002.
Dean Bare's notes delivered at the All College Meeting. November 7, 2002.
New Ad Hoc Working Group established to develop College graduate and undergraduate curriculum structure. November 1, 2002.
Dean Bare's memo to the College community on the future of the College. October 31, 2002.
Powerpoint presentation of Dean Bare's comments at the National Chung Hsing University. October 24, 2002.
Dean Bare posts a profile comparison of various UWS colleges and schools. October 15, 2002.
Dean Bare's notes from the All-College Faculty Meeting. October 15, 2002.
State Lands Commissioner Sutherland and Dean Bare propose that the WDNR embrace sustainable forestry for Washington State's forest trust lands. This editorial printed in the Tacoma News Tribune, Everett Herald, and the Eastside Journal. October 7, 2002.
Dean Bare updates the College on the current state of its strategic thinking. October 2, 2002.
A summary of the Spring 2002 faculty portfolio analysis is now available. October 2, 2002.
Powerpoint presentation of Dean Bare's comments at the start of the all-college planning workshop. September 27, 2002.
Powerpoint presentation of Dean Bare's comments at the First Annual Forks Forestry Tour. September 20, 2002.
Tom Mentele joins the College as Director of Development. September 19, 2002.
Acting College Lands Manager appointed by Dean Bare. September 12, 2002.
Dean Bare announces merger and name change for the Center for Water and Watershed Studies. September 8, 2002
Professor Steve West joins the Dean's Office as an Associate Dean. September 1, 2002.
Steve Hettinga joins the College as Assistant Director of Development. August 22, 2002.
Dean Bare comments on the organizational health of the College. August 9, 2002.
Final budget for the coming academic year is now available. June 12, 2002.
CFR faculty adopt framework for a new undergraduate curriculum. June 10, 2002.
Dean Bare announces current budget reduction plans for the College. June 3, 2002.
Memo from Dean Bare regarding proposals to modify the College's undergraduate curricula . June 3, 2002.
Dean Bare's memo to the faculty on progress towards transforming the undergraduate curricula of the College. May 9, 2002.
A statement on the Defining the Scientific Basis of Sustainability is distributed by Dean Bare. May 7, 2002.
Dean Bare announces the College's developmemt program and campaign goals . March 27, 2002.
Dean Bare updates the College on the current state of its strategic thinking . March 23, 2002.
Dean Bare announces the Spring Quarter College faculty meeting schedule. March 23, 2002 (updated: April 16, 2002).
Powerpoint presentation of Dean Bare's comments to the Portland Chapter, SAF, Portland, OR. March 18, 2002. Note: Shows properly using Internet Explorer.
Dean Bare describes the next steps involving the on-going undergraduate curriculum transformation vis a vis the RCEP process. March 15, 2002.
Dean Bare's instructions to center directors with permanent state budgets . March 4, 2002.
Dean Bare's comments on the pending budget cut. February 28, 2002.
Dean Bare charges CFR Ad Hoc Large Class Committee with new assignment. February 19, 2002.
Dean Bare announces changes to College Institutional Consulting Budget. February 18, 2002.
UW Regents confirm B. Bruce Bare as the College's new dean. February 15, 2002.
Dean Bare proposes to construct the Northwest Environmental Forum.February 9, 2002.
President McCormick selects B. Bruce Bare as Dean of the College of Forest Resources. January 24, 2002.
Comments from Acting Dean Bare concerning the rebuilding of Merrill Hall. January 19, 2002.
Acting Dean Bare appoints an Ad Hoc Undergraduate Curriculum Implementation Team. January 18, 2002.
Comments made by Acting Dean Bare at the All College Faculty Meeting. January 8, 2002.
Strategic thinking activities for College as proposed by the Acting Dean. December 9, 2001.
Acting Dean's proposal related to College Staff Issues. December 8, 2001.
College policy regarding the use of salary release funds accruing as a result of faculty sabbaticals. December 8, 2001.
Acting Dean establishes an Undergraduate Curriculum Transformation Committee to develop a new curriculum. November 30, 2001.
Acting Dean's proposal regarding CFR academic issues proposed to the faculty. November 27, 2001.
Acting Dean's proposal to establish an Undergraduate Curriculum Transformation Committee. November 14, 2001.
Background information concerning the Criteria and Indicators used to measure Sustainable Forestry are available at this link. November 10, 2001.
Outline of comments made by Acting Dean Bare at the All College Faculty Meeting . November 7, 2001.
Vision for the Center for Urban Horticulture and Merrill Hall. November 4, 2001. Revised: January 19, 2002
Powerpoint presentation of Acting Dean Bare's comments to the UW advisors luncheon on November 1, 2001.
Powerpoint presentation of Acting Dean Bare's comments to the South Puget Sound Chapter, SAF, Seattle, WA. October 29, 2001.
Powerpoint presentation of Acting Dean Bare's comments delivered to a joint SAF/NOTAC meeting in Forks, WA. October 24, 2001.
Acting Dean Bare's proposal to transform undergraduate programs in the College. October 20, 2001.
Draft development plan for the College. October 11, 2001.
Outline of comments delivered to the CFR All-College Meeting. October 3, 2001.
Powerpoint presentation of Acting Dean Bare's strategic vision for the College. September 27, 2001.
College committee asked to design a new undergraduate major in Forest Environmental Science and Conservation.September 1, 2001
President McCormick's Review Committee enlarged. September 1, 2001
Organizational Review Team recommendations memo addressed to all CFR staff and faculty. August 31, 2001.
President McCormick appoints CFR Review Committee. August 7, 2001
Memo to the CUH community following their August 3, 2001 retreat. August 10, 2001
Statement describing plans to address strategic thinking and organizational culture within the College. August 7, 2001
White paper describing the vision of the College. July 10, 2001
Letter to the College alumni concerning the change in deanship. June 25, 2001
Acting Dean Bare's introductory comments to the First International Precision Forestry Symposium. June 17, 2001
Letter to the Editor concerning Washington State forest trustlands as printed in the Seattle Times, April 30, 2001.
Powerpoint presentation on the determination of the sustainable harvest from the Symposium on Calculating the Sustainable Harvest in the 21st Century, Kane Hall, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. February 28, 2001.
Powerpoint slides on certification from a presentation made at a Symposium on Certification of Washington State Forestlands, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle, WA November 9, 2000.
Powerpoint slides on forest certification from a presentation made at Summit 2000: Washington Private Forest Forum, Cavanaughs at Capitol Lake, Olympia, WA. March 29, 2000.
Powerpoint slides from western Washington timber supply study presentation made with Professor Bruce Lippke at 16th Annual International Forest Products Marketing Conference, Seattle, WA. November 4-5, 1999.
Comments presented to USDA Private Lands Conservation Forum on October 20, 1999.
Professor Bare's comments from NBC Nightly News of October 13, 1999 concerning President Clinton's plan to set aside an additional 40 million acres of National Forest land. No longer available.
Powerpoint slides from presentation on forest certification at the Northwest Forestry Association Annual Meeting in Stevenson, WA. April 7, 1999.