The CFR Retreat on College Organization, held September 17 and 18, engaged faculty and staff in productive and focused discussions. I think all who attended the retreat agree that it provided an excellent forum for discussion of organizational decisions we must make to thrive within the University and to better serve our constituents.
I'd like to thank the task group of the College Planning Committee (Gordon Bradley, Bob Edmonds, Rick Gustafson, Dave Manuwal, Cecilia Paul, Karen Russell, and Steve West), as well as additional faculty and staff who served as table facilitators (Linda Brubaker, Lynn Catlett, Ann Corboy, Jim Fridley, Tom Hinckley, Fred Hoyt, and Clare Ryan) for their work in making the retreat a successful event. And, I'd like to thank all of you who attended for your energy, enthusiasm, and thoughtful participation.
Available for your review are two documents, each including the questions for each day's reflection and the table results for a specific day of the retreat:
September 17 (faculty and staff discussion of College organizational structure)
September 18 (faculty discussion of faculty organizational structure)
Also included in the September 18 document is the "Day 2 Flip Chart Finals," containing points of agreement, next steps, and positive outcomes of the retreat as articulated by attendees on that day.
These documents are also on the CFR Web site for your review.
An ad hoc volunteer committee of faculty agreed to facilitate additional faculty discussion and formulation of recommendations on both structure and process regarding organization for a faculty vote on October 21st. This group, consisting of Kevin Hodgson (Chair), Rob Harrison, Dave Manuwal, Gordon Bradley and Steve West, will formulate one or more options for a new structure of the faculty within the College. The issue of a faculty incentive and rewards protocol will be addressed after we agree on a structure. The work of the groups on both days will form the basis of conversations on organization with the whole College community over the next few months.
Prior to the all-college faculty meeting and vote on October 21, we anticipate that the ad hoc volunteer committee will provide an opportunity for discussion and clarification of their thinking and proposals. This should be scheduled at least one week in advance of the October 21 faculty meeting.
Thank you for reviewing the retreat outcomes and for your welcome participation in helping the College plan and act on its future.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean