The CFR Resources Committee met on November 9 and recommended that the following space allocations in Anderson Hall be approved.
1. Room 306 be available for general college use as a seminar and/or small class room. Room reservations will be handled by CFR's Office of Student and Academic Services (as is currently the case). Former CFR Urban Ecology faculty will be given preference when scheduling seminars for the room.
2. Room 301 will revert back to the Social Sciences Interest Group as lab space suitable for graduate student and faculty use, especially as needed for research related interviews, writing, and private meeting space for TAs and Reader/Graders.
3. Room 30 will become office space for students in wildlife science and will no longer be available for general seminar meetings. Computing resources will be moved from Room 306 to Room 30.
I APPROVE these recommendations.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean