The CFR Resources Committee discussed and recommends the following action items dealing with space issues. My decisions are noted for each item. These issues have been under consideration for some time. Background information on these recommendations is available.
Space recommendations and decisions:
1. Allocate Bloedel 156, 156 A and B to CFRIT who will vacate 311 Bloedel. Estimates are being obtained to reduce fan noise, rewire, install desks and printer. 311 Bloedel will become Graduate Teaching Assistant space for ESRM 110 and other courses. APPROVED
2. Dr David Ford to move lab and graduate students to 217 Winkenwerder. Jerry Franklin's canopy crane personnel will move from Winkenwerder 217 to Anderson 214. Franklin will retain 208 Winkenwerder lab. This was mutually agreed to by Ford and Franklin. Ford will occupy Linda Brubaker's office (Winkenwerder 202) when she retires. APPROVED
3. Dr Christian Torgersen to occupy 364 Bloedel (vacated by Dale Cole and David Thorud). DENIED pending further discussion.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean