May 14, 2007
Dear Members of the College of Forest Resources Community
On behalf of President Emmert and myself, I am pleased to inform you of our intention to reappoint Dean B. Bruce Bare as Dean of the College of Forest Resources. At his request, this appointment will be his final reappointment and will be for a two year period (July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2009).
As you know, I appointed an advisory committee in September 2006 to review the performance of the dean. The report documented many areas in which Dean Bare has displayed excellent leadership. The reorganization of the departments and the curricula and educational programs under his leadership have positioned the College to contribute to teaching and research in the stewardship and sustaining of forest resources. President Emmert and I agree with the advisory review committee's conclusion that Dean Bare should continue as Dean to take an important role in further developing the integration of his College's natural resource programs with those of other units on campus. Dean Bare has expressed his interest in contributing to this discussion while continuing as your Dean until June 30, 2009. We also expect him to continue to play an important advisory role to the Provost after he returns to the faculty.
We look forward to the future with great enthusiasm and optimism and encourage all members of the CFR community to become engaged and active in discussions aimed at shaping an even better future for the College.
Phyllis M. Wise
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs