In my memo to the College of Jan 27, I stated that Associate Deans Bob Edmonds and Steve West would be soliciting the views of staff and faculty regarding ideas for use of the opportunity funds we have at our disposal.
To advance this discussion, I wish to appoint the following small ad hoc faculty group to help brain storm future directions that the College may choose to pursue.
Clare Ryan, John Marzluff, Jim Agee, Sarah Reichard, Tom Hinckley, Jim Fridley, Ivan Eastin, Bruce Lippke, Gordon Bradley, Steve West (Co-Chair), and Bob Edmonds (Co-Chair)
I would like this ad hoc group to identify the scientific research and educational initiatives that they feel have the best chance of producing significant and compelling break throughs over the next 5-8 years and where the College could (should) play an important leadership role. This list should represent the collective views of the faculty, staff and students of our College. I wish this group to identify new faculty, facility and other resources that are needed to achieve these break throughs.
The opportunity funds discussed earlier will only be allocated in support of new initiatives that promise to propel our College to world class status. I ask for the ad hoc committee's recommendations by April 23, 2004.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean