Interest in
forest certification continues to grow in the PNW. Accordingly, this has
become one of the important research and outreach topics of the Rachel A.
Woods Professorship currently held by Professor B. Bruce Bare. Forest
certification is a new and rapidly evolving topic with changes in
certification protocols appearing continuously. As a service to those
interested in this topic a few Powerpoint presentations from several
recent talks are available for viewing. We are always interested in your
feedback and suggestions for improvement.
Powerpoint presentation from a talk by Professor Bare before the
17th Annual International
Forest Products Marketing Conference, SeaTac Marriott Hotel, SeaTac,
November 13-14, 2000. For a copy of the MS Excel spreadsheet (slide #45)
that computes the breakeven stumpage price premium required to cover all
costs of certification, download the following
MS Excel 97 file.
Powerpoint presentation from a talk by Professor Bare before the
University of Washington Symposium on
Certification of Washington State Forestlands on November 9,
2000. For a copy of the MS Excel spreadsheet (slide #45)that computes the
breakeven stumpage price premium required to cover all costs of
certification, download the following MS
Excel 97 file.
Powerpoint slides from a talk by Professor Bare made before the Summit 2000: Washington Private Forest Forum, Olympia,
WA. March 29, 2000. This presentation is also available for viewing
using Abode's Acrobat Reader in pdf format.
Powerpoint slides from a talk by Professor Bare before
Northwest Forestry Association Annual Meeting in Stevenson, WA (April 7,
1999) are available. If you also wish to view the notes and references for
the slides, download the following MS Word 7
file. It also contains a black and white representation of the
There are many web sites related to forest certification that provide
additional information. Readers looking for an introduction to
certification are directed to "An Introduction to Forest Certification"
available from the Oregon State University Extension Service (pdf).
A partial list of additional sites
Society of American Foresters, 1999 Report on Forest
Certification Programs
Pan European Forest Certification
Canadian Standards Association
Forest Stewardship Council (USA)
SFI Standard, American Forest & Paper Association
International Standards Organizzation
Shook's Directory of Certification and
Sustainability Related Sites
Certified Forest Products
Certified Wood Products
Sustainable Forestry and Certification Watch
Scientific Certification Systems
Silva Forest Foundation
Northwest Natural Resource Group
Green Tag Certification
Ecoforestry Institute
WWF, Forests For Life
American Tree Farm System
United Nations Sustainable
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