For some time, we have been thinking about the type of information services provided to the College community by our CFR IT group. While we have not suffered from any major prolonged crises and while the services provided appear to be satisfying the demand, I believe it is time for us to take a fresh look at how we are organized, what services we provide, what infrastructure improvements we anticipate, how we finance our operation, and what level of service we should provide.
Included among the functional areas within the College with information services needs are financial services, development, communications, research and outreach, student services, faculty, and remote sites.
The existing College Computing Policy provides some relevant background information describing our current operating procedures. However, I believe that a strategic plan that clearly articulates a vision for the future of CFR information services is needed.
I wish to ask Associate Dean West to assemble an ad hoc group composed of Marc Morrison, Cecilia Paul, Dave Briggs, Bruce Lippke, Michelle Trudeau, Alice Meyer, John Shipman, Tom Mentele, and Phil Hurvitz to prepare a comprehensive strategic plan for CFR computing and information services for the next five years. I expect that this ad hoc group will involve as many others from the College, C&C, or other campus units as needed to provide the best thinking available. I would like their plan no later than November 30, 2004. Updates will be provided as they become available.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean