Dean's Notes Concerning the Future of the College
Our vision is to provide high quality - high impact programs across our teaching, research and outreach missions.
We must emphasize quality of the educational experience and we must strive to be the best world-class collegiate program emphasizing the stewardship of natural and managed environments and the sustainable use of their products and services.
We focus on the sustainability and functionality of complex natural resource and environmental systems using an interdisciplinary approach across multiple scales.
We have embarked on a transformation of the College and the input of all members of the College community is needed for us to fully realize this vision and succeed in our transformation.
We face challenges in achieving the preeminence and quality inherent in our vision. However, we also have a unique opportunity to rethink the identity and role of the College and its relationship to other campus programs.
Budget Challenge:
The anticipated state shortfall is $2-$2.5 billion to impact $7 billion in discretionary spending.
The UW is planning for a cut at least as large as last year's cut.
UW leadership favors targeted cuts over across-the-board cuts at this time. Each College and School is being asked a similar set of questions related to strategic priorities, enrollments, curricular efficiencies, opportunities for fee-based programs, and faculty profiles.
UW enrollment is growing; the College enrollment is flat; the state budget is shrinking; CONCLUSION: the College budget will shrink.
In short, we must do more with less, but quality must not be compromised.
This is our challenge. Now, let me share a few budgetary details which are necessarily very preliminary given the uncertain nature of next biennium's state budget. The budget numbers shown herein are obviously preliminary in nature and are subject to revision. Our College has NOT been told the size of any possible budget cut that we absorb next biennium. The cuts assumed are for discussion purposes ONLY and are not to be interpreted as real at this time.
I believe we need to transform our College to focus on science-based knowledge for the stewardship and management of natural and managed environments and the sustainable use of their products and services.
My suggestion is to focus on the science of sustainability (ecological, economic and social) to provide a strong foundation for further learning about natural resources associated with our urban, suburban and wild lands.
From such a natural resource science-based undergraduate education we can develop professional Master's programs that are integrated with our undergraduate program. Coordinated 3-2 or 4-1 BS/MS programs are possibilities we need to seriously consider and develop as appropriate.
In addition, we need to:
As we proceed with our transformation, I expect all members of our College to adhere to our core values: open communication; respect; accountability.
NOTE: Additional background concerning issues discusssed in this meeting are available.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean