We have received a couple of requests to use our College's flexible meeting rooms (i.e., AND 22 and the new BLD 292) for regularly scheduled classes. These requests have resulted in the College Resources Committee proposing the following recommended clarifications regarding use of these rooms. I have reviewed these policy clarifications and concur.
AND 22 and BLD 292 will be used primarily for seminars (see restrictions below), small graduate classes (see restrictions below), faculty meetings, staff meetings, student presentations, graduate examinations, research meetings, professional or public outreach College events, alumni meetings, social events, and advisory/visiting committee meetings. These rooms are not to be used for regularly scheduled lecture classes (LC), quiz (QZ) or lab (LB) sections.
Exceptions to this policy include:
1. regularly scheduled for-credit seminars (SM) or graduate classes (IS) that meet once per week for 1 - 1.5 hours;
2. regularly scheduled for-credit graduate classes (IS) that meet more than once per week AND are scheduled after 5:00 pm.
3. Special arrangements for use of BLD 292 for small classes using video conferencing equipment.
We feel that this room usage policy allows us to retain room scheduling flexibility while accommodating use of the room for small classes.
Additional details on room usage are available on the web.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean