Details regarding merit increases for professional staff are not yet available, but we are expecting authorization for an average increase on the order of 4%. Increases will take effect 9/1/08.
The CFR policy for merit increases for professional staff was first distributed on February 11, 2003 and, with few changes, remains operative. To be eligible for a merit increase, the staff member must:
All professional staff, regardless of source of funding, are subject to average (by funding type) increase limits ultimately set by the University of Washington. Supervisors of non-state funded professional staff must ensure that funding sources are sufficient to cover all salary increases.
Supervisors of professional staff should complete performance reviews by June 9, 2008. Please forward a copy of the reviews, along with merit salary recommendations (0, low, average, high) for each professional staff employee supervised, to Beverly Anderson for the Dean's review and final approval. Please direct questions to her at 5-2047 or
We will update you as information becomes available. Thanks very much.
B. Bruce Bare