I wish to alert you to a new program wherein UW faculty, staff and retirees can establish endowed fellowships and scholarships to support graduate, professional and undergraduate students. This is a wonderful new program that I hope many of you will consider.
Details are provided at the following site. Just click on the link Description of Program and Q & A document for more information. Also feel free to contact Tom Mentele our CFR Director of Development.
In a nutshell, this program allows one to create an endowment for student support for as little as $5,000 and receive a 1:1 match from the University when the funds are deposited. The match is available for endowments up to $10,000 and an endowment may be established through a pledge lasting up to five years. Pledges may be fulfilled through payroll deduction so long as a minimum of $1,000 is donated per year over a five year period.
Student support may be designated for undergraduate or graduate students and may be used for student travel, research, books, service, and to bring guest speakers to campus -- for example.
This program will expire December 31, 2008 when Campaign UW: Creating Futures ends.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean