As you know, the Natural Sciences and Forest Resources Libraries have been discussing the consequences of a planned merger. An ad hoc working group was charged with this task and, on March 31, 2004, submitted a final report to Betsy Wilson and me.
The ad hoc library merger working group recommended that the merger of the two libraries be completed over the summer and that existing Natural Sciences space be used to house the Forest Resources collections. As this plan is put into action, space in the basement of Bloedel Hall will become available for reassignment to other users. I wish for our College to use this space for our academic, research and service functions. To secure the use of the available space I will submit a request to the Provost who will make the final space allocation decision.
To aid me in this process, I wish to appoint an Ad Hoc Forest Resources Library Space Work Group. The Group is asked to:
1) solicit College-wide suggestions for use of the vacated library space
2) consider possible functional uses for the space
3) suggest a rank-ordering of potential uses
4) recommend the group's consensus best use of the space
The Group consists of Professors Briggs, Edmonds, Fridley and Greulich and Ms Green, Mr Brazil, and Ms Trudeau. Professor Greulich will Chair the Group.
I suggest that the Group gather facts during the remaining portion of Spring quarter and submit a draft report no later than June 15. I would like a final report no later than October 15. I will prepare a formal request to the Provost no later than October 25.