I wish to remind you of our procedures for handling merit salary increases for professional staff. The current version of the University's proposed FY 2007 budget, subject to change by the Board of Regents, includes an average 3% salary increase for professional staff, effective 9/1/06. The final budget will be adopted in June, 2006. (Classified staff are under other authorities. Represented Classified Staff will receive 1.6% across-the-board on July 1, 2006, with Represented Classified Staff who have been at their top step for at least a year as of July 1, 2006 receiving a 2.5% additional top step. Non-represented Classified Staff will receive 1.6% across-the-board on September 1, 2006.)
The CFR policy for salary increases for professional staff was first distributed on February 11, 2003 and, with few changes, remains operative.
To be eligible for a merit increase, the staff member must:
All professional staff, regardless of source of funding, are subject to these average merit increases and procedures. Supervisors of non-state funded professional staff must ensure that funding sources are sufficient to cover all salary increases.
Supervisors should forward a copy of their performance reviews, along with their merit salary recommendations for each professional staff employee supervised, to Beverly Anderson by June 1, 2006, for the Dean's final approval. On an individual basis, merit can be above or below 3% but may not exceed an average of 3% within a single work group.
B. Bruce Bare
Dean, Forest Resources