Last June 2, I solicited nominations of CFR faculty for consideration as recipients of the Denman Professorship in Pulp and Paper Science. By the closing date of September 1, 2006, four names were received: Professors Hodgson, McKean, Paun and K. Vogt.
On September 24, I asked the EFC to assess each nomination and to provide me with their recommendation. On October 17, 2006 they stated that, "for various reasons, none of the four candidates met the necessary qualifications as stated in your memo of June 2, 2006."
In addition, the EFC "recommended that these funds not be allocated this year for a professorship. Other uses of these funds might be to:
1. Attract a well-known person in the fields of pulp and paper science or biofuels as a visiting scholar/scientist. That person would work with graduate students, faculty, present seminars and possibly collaborate in a research proposal.
2. Funds could be used to support the formation of a symposium on an appropriate topic.
3. Some other activity related to the Denman endowment
4. Do not use the funds this year."
I agree with the assessment of the EFC not to assign the Professorship at this time.
The Denman's concur with me that a wise an appropriate use of the operating funds generated by the Denman Professorship in Pulp and Paper Science during the current academic year, or until it is awarded to a CFR faculty member, generally are as outlined above in points 1 and 2.
Accordingly, CFR faculty may submit proposals to the dean for use of the operating funds (approximately $25,000) that fall under the general items listed above under points 1 and 2. Proposals must directly support the formation of the concept of a new center in bioresource science and engineering as described in my May 2006 memo. In particular, we are interested in developing a white paper as requested in the May 2006 memo that defines our competitive advantage as a College, University and region in supplying biomaterials to society. We are also interested in supporting a conference that will bring people to campus to discuss these issues.
By bringing outside speakers, scientists, scholars, etc. to campus we hope to be better able to identify the competitive advantages that will allow us to make significant contributions in the development of a new source of sustainable bio-energy, bio-fuel, and bio-chemicals for societal use. All proposals must clearly relate to the recently discussed center of excellence for bioresource science and technology that we would like to develop on campus.
I am anxious to receive your thoughts and ideas. Any projects supported using these funds are subject to normal University rules and regulations and must be spent on or before January 1, 2008.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean