TO: Forest Resources Library and Natural Sciences Library Merger Joint Working Group
FROM: B. Bruce Bare, Dean, College of Forest Resources and Lizabeth (Betsy) Wilson, Director of University Libraries
RE: Acceptance of Final Report and Recommendations
We are writing to thank you for your contribution to the Forest Resources Library and Natural Sciences Library Merger Joint Working Group and for the excellent Final Report. We have reviewed the Report and accept it with our appreciation. The Report provides the framework for a successful merger and new models of library service.
The Report has been shared with the College of Forest Resources and the University Libraries, and we are now ready to move to implementation of the recommendations. A working group has been established in the College to develop a proposal for the Provost's consideration on the use of the space that will be vacated by the Forest Resources Library. An implementation group in the Libraries is working to carry out the merger as outlined in the Report.
You completed your charge with a great thoughtfulness, sensitivity, vision, and broad based consultation. You have demonstrated the value of strong and continuing collaboration between the Libraries and the College, and we thank you for your extraordinary effort.