October 2, 2002

To CFR Community:

In December 2001, the CPC (Gordon Bradley-lead) and the EFC (Steve West-lead) were asked to update the CFR faculty portfolio and distribute it college-wide and on the web. Their report was submitted to the Dean in June 2002 and is reproduced below. The faculty hiring priorities announced by the Dean at the September 27, 2002 all-college planning workshop were partially based on this report along with other strategic considerations.

June 12, 2002

TO: Bruce Bare, Dean
FROM: CPC Faculty Portfolio Subcommittee: G. Bradley, J. Marzluff, C. Paul, K. Russell, C. Ryan, S. West
RE: Review and Recommendations

The CPC Faculty Portfolio Subcommittee was asked to prepare an initial review of the 2002 portfolio of strategic faculty positions developed by the CFR faculty and ranked by individual faculty in each division. Criteria used by the subcommittee in this review included: divisional rankings of the positions, current faculty expertise and capacity, and assessment of future faculty needs in curriculum and research initiatives. By title, the following 14 proposed faculty positions and their ranking were reviewed:

Aquatic ecology/hydrology
Community/urban forestry
Economics (natural resource/environmental)
Paper science and engineering
Plant biotechnology
Quantitative landscape ecology (wildlife)
Recreation and amenities management
Remote sensing
Restoration ecology
Silviculture (applied)
Sustainable forest operations
Urban ecology (human dimensions)

The subcommittee noted the minimal convergence between the divisional rankings (only two positions appear on both divisional rankings (aquatic ecology and recreation/ amenities management). The subcommittee assessed the fourteen positions in light of current CFR disciplinary strengths and capacity and future needs with respect to fulfilling CFR's mission, vision, themes, and curricular/research directions. It then applied these assessments to the top four ranked positions in each division (a total of eight positions). The strengths/needs data, as well as the subcommittee's recommendations are shown below. The subcommittee also suggested where currently allocated administrative positions might be appropriate to fund or partially fund these eight disciplinary areas.

The eight positions recommended for further consideration are: aquatic ecology, economics, plant biotechnology, quantitative ecology; recreation/amenities; remote sensing; restoration ecology; and silviculture.

cc: College Planning Committee

Faculty Portfolio Rankings
[by division (top ranked 8 out of 14) and by subcommittee assessment of current strengths and future needs (high, medium, low) of top 4 rankings from each division]

* = subcommittee recommendation for final review Position Submitted M&E Rank ES Rank Current Strength Need Assessment Funding Potential
* Aquatic Ecology 4 6 Low High Land Mgr
* Economics 3 Low High USGS
Mechatronics 7
Paper Science
* Plant Biotechnology 3 Low High CUH Dir or USGS
* Quantitative Ecology 2 Medium Medium Land Mgr
* Recreation/Amenities 6 4 Low High USGS
* Remote Sensing 2 Low High ATI
* Restoration Ecology 1 Medium High CUH Dir
* Silviculture 1 High Medium Land Mgr
Silviculture (Applied) 5
Sustainable Forest Ops
Urban Ecology 7
Urban Forestry 5

CFR Faculty Expertise (Spring 2002) (Does not include CFR Dean)

Ecology/Silviculture: Agee, Ewing, Ford, Franklin, Halpern, Peterson, Sprugel, Strand, Vogt,K.
Biology/Physiology: Brubaker, Chalker-Scott, Hinckley, Reichard, Wott
Wildlife: Manuwal, Marzluff, Raedeke (.25), West
Genetics: Bradshaw
Pathology: Edmonds
Entomology: Gara
Engineering/Hydrology: Bolton, Fridley, Schiess, Schreuder (.75)
PaperChem/Fiber Science: Allan, Briggs (.50), Gustafson, Hodgson, Jacobs-Young, Johnson (.10), McKean, Northey
Plnng/Admin/Political Sci: Bradley, Kearney (.25), Ryan, Wolf (.50)
Economics: Greulich (.50), Lippke (.25), Perez-Garcia
Marketing: Boardman, Eastin, Lippke (.75), Paun
Sociology/Recreation: Lee, Wagar
Quantitative Science: Briggs (.50), Greulich (.50), Johnson (.90), Schreuder (.25), Turnblom
Soils: Brown, Harrison, Henry, Vogt, D., Zabowski
Environmental Psychology: Kearney (.75), Wolf (.50)

Faculty Area Tenure WOT Research Total
Ecology/Silviculture 5 (10%) 2 (4%) 2 (4%) 9 (18%)
Biology/Physiology 5 (10%) 5 (10%)
Wildlife 3 (6%) .25 (.5%) 3.25 (6.5%)
Genetics 1 (2%) 1 (2%)
Pathology 1 (2%) 1 (2%)
Entomology 1 (2%) 1 (2%)
Engineering/Hydrology 3.75 (7.5%) 3.75 (7.5%)
Paper Chem/Fiber Science 6.6 (13%) 6.6 (13%)
Planning/Admin/Political Sci 2 (4%) .75 (1.5%) 2.75 (5.5%)
Economics .5 (1%) .25 (.5%) 1 (2%) 1.75 (3.5%)
Marketing 1 (2%) 1.75 (3.5%) 1(2%) 3.75 (7.5%)
Social/Recreation/Amenities 1 (2%) 1 (2%) 2 (4%)
Quantitative Science 3.15 (6.2%) 3.15 (6.2%)
Soils 3 (6%) 2 (4%) 5 (10%)
Environmental Psychology 1.25 (2.5%) 1.25 (2.5%)
TOTALS 36 (71.7%) 4 (8%) 10.25 (20.5%) 50.25 (100%)

To Return to:Prof Bare's Page, Dean's Office, College of Forest Resources