We have made great progress in transforming our College's graduate curricula this year. Yet, we have much work to accomplish to fully implement the changes we have agreed on. To keep us moving toward Autumn Quarter 2003 implementation of the new Master of Forestry, Master of Environmental Horticulture, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy degree programs, I wish to appoint the following CFR Graduate Curriculum Committee:
Dave Manuwal and Rick Gustafson (Co-chairs): Linda Chalker-Scott, Jim Agee, John Perez-Garcia, John Marzluff, Bob Gara, Kevin Hodgson, Kristiina Vogt, Dave Briggs, Peter Schiess, and student representative.
The charge to this Group is to finalize the requirements for the two new professional master's programs taking all necessary steps to ensure accreditation (where appropriate) and compatibility with the ESRM undergraduate program. Please keep in mind the concept of a 4-1 BS-Masters arrangement. In addition, for the MS and PhD programs, identify courses appropriate to satisfy the core requirements and consult with our faculty disciplinary groups to identify appropriate groups of courses to provide the necessary disciplinary specialization. In identifying these areas of specialization, I suggest a minimum of 3-4 core faculty be identified as that is the number of faculty we require to form supervisory graduate committees.
We need to move forward quickly if we are to satisfy University deadlines for Autumn Quarter implementation. Thus, I ask that you commence your work immediately. New Autumn course applications are due by May 5.
At the all-college faculty meeting on April 15 please be prepared to discuss the progress your Committee is making to address the above charge.
Although we realize each of you are extremely busy, it is very important that this work proceed as quickly as possible.