To All Members of the CFR Community,
I wish to announce that Mr Brian Boyle has been hired on a part time basis to advise and assist the Dean on several important initiatives within the College.
1. Assist the Dean with the advancement of the Northwest Environmental Forum, help better integrate CFR with other UW science and technology capabilities in natural resources and environmental sciences, and assist CFR's Director of Development in fundraising for the Forum. This work entails both internal UW support-building and external user recruitment and donor identification.
2. Assist the Olympic Natural Resources Center (ONRC) to integrate its statutory mission to: "create a neutral forum where diverse interests can be addressed and issues resolved" into the purposes of the Northwest Environmental Forum.
3. Provide counsel for the Applied Technology Initiative (ATI) Precision Forestry Cooperative (PFC) and ensure that ATI technology efforts are integrated with the new Pacific Northwest Regional Collaboratory. Policy integration with technical ATI faculty and staff is critical to the future success of the ATI, pending hiring of a director for ATI.
4. Serve as advisor for the Dean, with ATI (PFC), the Collaboratory, the Forum, and other programs as needed.
Brian also will continue to Chair the CFR Visiting Committee during the coming academic year.
We are fortunate to have someone of Brian's knowledge and experience to help us as we continue to transform and redefine the College within the University and the region. Please stop by and discuss any issues you may care to raise with Brian. He is located in Anderson Hall, Room 130A.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean