Dear Faculty, Staff and Students of the College of Forest Resources,
As you know, the College of Forest Resources will become the School of Forest Resources as of July 1, 2009. This coincides with the end of the term of Dean Bruce Bare who has led the College of Forest Resources with distinction for the past eight years, and has guided the College through a major curricular revision and a major renewal of its faculty. Forest Resources has grown stronger and better prepared for the future as a result of Dean Bare's leadership.
A search for an Interim Director for the School of Forest Resources is underway. Dean Bare has declined to be considered for that role. In order to take advantage of Dean Bare's knowledge and experience as we launch the College of the Environment on July 1, I have asked Bruce to serve as Special Advisor to the Interim Dean of the College of the Environment during the transitional period of July 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009, and he has agreed. Some of the contributions that Bruce will be able to make are listed below. We may add to this list as we go along.
I am very appreciative of Dean Bare's willingness to contribute in this way to the success of the new college as we make this important transition.
Best wishes,
Dennis Hartmann, Interim Dean, College of the Environment