To meet federal requirements, the UW collects effort (time) quarterly data from faculty whose salary is paid on sponsored projects or who have committed cost-sharing to sponsored projects. The federal government recognizes that statements of effort (time) are estimates and that a variety of related and "inextricably intermingled" activities are an appropriate use of time while a faculty member is paid on a sponsored project.
Salary support for proposal preparation for new and competing renewals must come from non-sponsored funds; this is true for both full-time and part-time faculty. For tenured and tenure-track faculty, this is provided during the academic year by their state salary. Research and WOT faculty need a separate source, as do tenured/tenure-track faculty during the summer if paying themselves on research grants. The obvious source of funding is the faculty portion of the research cost recovery fund, which then is reduced for other uses. The attached process document describes how payment for proposal preparation will be managed in a manner that acknowledges faculty effort (time) while at the same time conserving the faculty portion of the RCR fund to support other research needs. It is designed to provide payment within the quarter the proposal is submitted in order to reduce time-consuming after-the-fact correcting paperwork.
This model is effective autumn 2005, but will be modified in the future as required.
Thanks very much and best wishes.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean