It is with great pleasure that I announce that Professor David Mabberley was recently awarded the Linnean Medal by the Linnean Society of London.
The medal is awarded annually, alternately to a Botanist and a Zoologist or to both simultaneously, as an expression of the Society's estimate and appreciation of service to science. Any biologist, irrespective of nationality, is eligible to receive the Medal. It is presented at the Anniversary Meeting by the President, who then specifies the grounds on which the Medal has been awarded.
The Linnean Medal was first awarded in 1888 and early recipients included Huxley (1890), Wallace (1892), Haeckle (1894), Strasburger (1905), Angler (1913), de Vries (1929), and D'Arcy Thompson (1938), and more recently Charles Elton (1968), J.Z. Young (1974), Ernst Mayr (1977), Cronquist (1986), & S.J. Gould (1992).
The Society's web site contains additional information.
It is also note worthy that Professor Mabberley also recently received two other awards:
All of us in the College extend congratulations to David on these outstanding professional accomplishments.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean