Via this memo, we wish to establish an Ad Hoc CFR Centers Review Committee. The advisory Committee is chaired by Associate Dean Bob Edmonds and is composed of Professors Kim, Lawler, and Perez-Garcia and Ms. Debbie Livingstone.
You will recall that in my October 21 email, I outlined the intent of this review. In brief, the Committee will examine the fiscal health and future strategic vision of each of our College’s research centers and cooperatives. The reports that each center submits for review by the Committee will address the financial resources, space and facility requirements, human resource needs, and future programmatic directions for each center. By February 1, 2009, the Committee will review these reports and prepare a summary set of recommendations for further consideration.
For some time we have been discussing ways to better integrate our various centers and research programs under a broad umbrella(s). Not only might such a grouping(s) lead to operational efficiencies and resource sharing, we might also realize programmatic collaboration for increased cross-disciplinary research funding, graduate education, and outreach. The Institute of Forest Resources is a logical unit that might provide the over-arching administrative home for some (all) of our centers. A research grouping based on programmatic themes similar to that espoused in the McIntire-Stennis strategic plan should also be considered. Also, we must be cognizant of the existing constituents that each of our centers serves. These support groups identify themselves with a particular center and are sensitive to retaining their continuing identity in the future. Thus, the Committee must carefully consider this issue in their deliberations. Lastly, we must consider our relationship with the CoEnv and its proposed advanced institute of the environment.
We greatly appreciate the work of the Committee for helping us sort out, and set a future direction for, the efficient and effective management and organization of our research centers and programs.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean