To CFR Community:
The College has been awarded approximately $100,000 in equipment funds for the first year of the biennium, 2003 - 2004.
Please evaluate your equipment needs and prepare a request (using this form). Completed requests should be forwarded to your Division Chair by December 1, 2003, for prioritization and submission to the Dean's Office. Staff should forward requests to their immediate supervisor for approval and a statement in support of the request prior to forwarding to the Division Chair. Each Division's prioritized request list should not exceed $35,000.
Allocation decisions will be based primarily on the assumption that state funds are allocated to support tenure-track faculty in teaching and research. All requests must support the College's mission, vision, and strategic themes. Priority will be assigned to requests that have the potential to contribute significantly to the development of the new curriculum or new research opportunities. Equipment requests that would contribute matching funds for a significant grant generating full overhead will be seriously considered.
Recommendations will be considered by a committee composed of the Dean, Administrator, Associate Deans, Division Chairs and a representative from the Elected Faculty Council. Chairs, please submit your ranked evaluations and supporting applications to the attention of Geetha Sukumaran, by December 8, 2003. Thank you.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean