To All Members of the CFR Community
The Provost announced her FY 10 state budget decisions yesterday. Our College will absorb an 11% permanent state budget reduction for FY 2010. This includes the remaining portion of reductions from FY 09 that had previously not been allocated to the academic units. Accordingly, we will proceed with the implementation of the budget reduction plans as described in my March 11 all-college presentation and in our meeting with the Provost on April 3. It is my understanding that all College personnel impacted by these budget reductions have been notified by their supervisors. If you have any questions regarding the impact of these budget decisions please contact them immediately.
To mitigate the effects of these budget reductions, the Provost allocated temporary funds to each academic unit. CFR will receive $143,000 in temporary funds that will be retained in the Dean’s Office to be used to support our academic programs. The Provost suggests that we use these funds judiciously over the coming biennium in support of teaching assistants, lecturers and other academic positions. These temporary funds were allocated to the academic units based on student credit hours (SCH) reported by each unit and averaged over four years (2004-08). To reflect the differential costs of instruction, SCHs for lower, upper and graduate level instruction were weighted differentially with weights of 1, 1.5 and 2.5, respectively. Because CFR generates more of its SCH in lower level courses, and the weights increase across the three levels of instruction, we received proportionally fewer dollars of temporary funding than other units where instruction is concentrated at the graduate level.
If you want additional information about permanent budget reductions for all academic and administrative units please visit the Vice-Provost's website. If you have any questions about CFR budget reduction plans please visit our College budget reduction website or drop me let me an email. Thanks.