Dear Colleagues,
On November 7, 2001, our faculty voted to accept the following proposal:
a) Consolidate our seven existing undergraduate curricula into two:
Environmental Science, Design, and Management
Paper Science and Engineering
b) Designate a representative faculty group to develop a detailed curriculum proposal for consideration and adoption by the faculty. The curriculum proposal will include "core" requirements and "context" pathways, options, or interest areas.
c) Deliberations should also include the exploration of further consolidation, focusing on the level and nature of integration between PSE and the new Environmental Science, Design, and Management curriculum.
Faculty: Marzluff (Chair), Agee, Bolton, Brubaker, Gara, Hinckley, Ryan and Briggs.
Staff: Paul and Trudeau.
Following the above guidelines, the committee's charge is to develop a detailed undergraduate curriculum proposal for consideration and adoption by the faculty. Exact names for each major are to be part of the proposal but need not be exactly as specified above.
The committee's written report is due on, or before, February 15, 2002 and is to be submitted to the Dean of the College. The CPC and EFC will assist the committee in presenting periodic progress reports to the faculty and broader College community. The goal is to have an all-college faculty vote on the committee's proposal on, or before, March 15, 2002. In the spring 2002 term, we will begin the implementation phase of the curriculum transformation. This will likely continue into the summer term so we can offer the new curriculum in autumn 2002.
To help the committee achieve its goal, I suggest that the directions contained in my memo of October 20, 2001 be incorporated into the proposal. I also suggest that the committee consult widely with as many members of the College community as feasible in the time allotted. The committee needs to be cognizant of our strategic themes, including our desire to use sustainability as the cornerstone of our vision for the future. Further, I ask that you reflect on the desired educational outcomes of our graduates, the potential market place within which they will be competing, the need for flexibility and integration in the curriculum, the desire to accommodate transfer students, and existing UW general educational requirements.
I greatly appreciate the committee's willingness to help us in this important endeavor. If you need assistance or additional resources to complete your task, please let me know. Thanks and best wishes.
B. Bruce Bare, Acting Dean