Effective July 1, 2005, administration of the Center for Quantitative Science will be transferred to CFR and the School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences (SAFS). CFR and SAFS will share administration of the program.
Budgetary support funds will be transferred from OUE to SAFS for a period of four years starting July 1, 2005. At the end of this term, the budgets will be transferred to CFR for a new four year term, etc.
Room 091 in MGH will continue to be used as TA office space. Authorization for continued use of this space resides with CASPO.
A faculty council comprised of CFR and SAFS faculty who teach in the CQS program will be created to administer the program, courses and TAs. The council will be lead by a CQS Director who will assume the leadership role. The Director's position will rotate every four years between CFR and SAFS. An administrative stipend will be paid by the Director's home department.
Until a new Director is appointed, please direct questions to either Rick or me. Thanks and best wishes.