As you are aware, in early November the majority of our faculty voted in favor of joining the CoEnv as a core unit. Planning for this possible transition is underway, but until the RCEP process is completed and adopted by President Emmert, we remain an independent College within the University. Because no specific timetable has been established for the RCEP process, we cannot predict when the transition may be completed. Further, the State budget deficit may adversely affect the process. Thus, there is considerable uncertainty surrounding the future organization of our College.
In my recent conversations with Provost Wise a few things have become clear. When we transition into the CoEnv, we will become a School led by a Director. I have proposed that the director also carry the title of Associate Dean. The Provost and I agree that all components of CFR will move into the new SFR when our transition is finalized. This includes all faculty, staff, centers, curricula, programs, facilities, etc. Further, all existing administrative reporting arrangements will remain intact. Of course, the internal organization of our College will necessarily change to that appropriate for a School. We also expect that the schools and departments that eventually make up the CoEnv will maintain a considerable amount of autonomy as is the case in most departmentalized colleges.
One of the key features expected of the CoEnv is increased collaboration with other campus units. One way this might occur is through joint faculty appointments. Although we will review all such requests, one condition that must be satisfied is that CFR (SFR) be fully compensated for any loss of faculty FTE that such an appointment implies. Our College has a long history of interdisciplinary and collaborative teaching and research which has served our students, the College and the University very well. However, as new University budget models are implemented, we must steward our faculty resources carefully and wisely. Decisions related to joint faculty appointments will be made within the context of existing resources and college (school) expectations.
Lastly, I wish to re-affirm our commitment to our College's strategic mission, vision and goals. These have been periodically reviewed and revised to maintain currency and relevance. They provide broad guidance for all of our academic, research and outreach programs. These core elements will transcend our future transition into the CoEnv allowing the College (School) to generate new resources over time so we can serve our students, constituents and the citizens of Washington even better than we have done historically. The future is bright if we act strategically and harness our collective wisdom and energy.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean