On September 27, 2002 about 70 members of our College community (staff, students and faculty) spent a day revising our College's strategic plan for the coming year. I was impressed by the cordial and open spirit that was prevalent throughout the entire day's discussion. Below is a brief summary of the major outputs from this event.
The College of Forest Resources is dedicated to generating and disseminating knowledge for the stewardship of natural and managed environments and the sustainable use of their products and services through teaching, research, and outreach.
The College of Forest Resources will provide world class, internationally recognized knowledge and leadership for environmental and natural resource issues.
Our College believes in:
Description -- Say what you mean, mean what you say, do what you say you will: honest, clear and complete expression of what you (whether individual/group/institution) plan to do, factors that affect the decision or action, stages and processes in implementation, and anticipated or actual outcomes. Communicate to engage: Ask clarifying questions; make sure that all parties to an interchange are on the same page. Debate and analyze ideas, never attack people or ridicule their ideas. Provide opportunities for two-way conversations about issues and for input on decisions; create ways that people can see what happened to their ideas.
Description -- Treat all ideas as worth considering and all people as having worth, no matter what their position in the college or life. Provide all members of the college the authority appropriate to their responsibility (the freedom to do the job) and a supportive and responsible environment. Strive for truthfulness as a way of life, so that colleagues and customers can have confidence and trust in our words and deeds. Feel free to ask for help when needed.
Description -- Responsibility (personal, group, institutional) for one's own words, actions, commitments, results, owed to colleagues, students, and other clients. This includes the dual responsibility both to support and promote good ideas and to accept remediation or defeat of those not strong enough to survive.
THREE YEAR GOALS (2002-2005):
1. Attract and retain the highest quality staff, students and faculty.
2. Build and upgrade facilities and laboratories, especially Merrill Hall
and the Northwest Environmental Forum, consistent with sustainable building practices.
3. Develop and maintain dynamic, creative leadership throughout the College.
4. Strengthen open communication, respect, accountability and sustainability of our organizational culture.
5. Broaden and increase financial support.
6. Implement and nuture the new undergraduate curricula and other science-based sustainability programs.
ONE-YEAR OBJECTIVES (September 27, 2002 - October 1, 2003):
A detailed listing of the College's one-year objectives is available for review. An updated list of accomplishments for the previous set of six-month objectives (December 10, 2001 - June 1, 2002) is also available.
This document reflects a continuing effort to involve members of our College in setting the strategic directions we will pursue over the next three years. The one-year objectives detail specific action items with due dates in order to ensure that we achieve our stated goals. Of course, as the CPC meets throughout the academic year, these objectives may be modified and updated. In fact, this is anticipated in order to keep the document relevant to the changing environment.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean