The vigilance of all members of the University community is needed to maintain a safe work environment for faculty, staff, and students. Recent events have necessitated a closer look at steps to be taken whenever an immediate or potential threat emerges.
I encourage all of you to take a few moments to read the UW's workplace violence policy.
A work place violence checklist that all faculty and supervisors must follow is also online and is accessible from the above web address. Concerns involving students only may be directed to Student Life at 206-543-4972.
Immediate threats of harm to people or property require an immediate call to campus police at 911.
In non-emergency situations, individuals should report to their supervisor any incidents of violent, threatening, harassing, or intimidating behavior in the workplace, whether or not those involved are University employees. Those receiving these reports should notify me or Beverly Anderson , who will in turn contact Erin Rice, our Human Resources Consultant (HRC). Domestic violence that intrudes or may intrude into the workplace should be reported along these same lines. Alternatively, anyone at any time may directly report incidents to UW Police (non-emergency dispatch number: 206-543-9331), or our HRC (Erin Rice, 206-897-1670.
While it is not possible to provide complete workplace protection, we need to do as much as we can and err, if there's a choice to be made, on the side of caution.
Lastly, I wish to encourage any staff or faculty member who may be experiencing a personal difficulty effecting workplace performance to notify me so that we may identify an appropriate course of action to help resolve the issue. Thanks for your help and best wishes.