To Members of the Elected Faculty Council, Ad Hoc Staff Budget Advisory Committee, Staff and Faculty,
We are moving ahead with planning for permanent state budget reductions next FY even though our final reduction target is unknown at this time. The Provost has inquired as to how we plan to absorb a 5% reduction ($308k including benefits) in next year's permanent state budget. The Provost is also interested in our thinking regarding other levels of reduction. Based in part on reports submitted to me last month, I propose to use the following principles to guide my decision making this year and in the future. I would appreciate any comments you have in writing by March 21, 2003. Thank you.
1. Budget decisions are based on the College's strategic priorities that emanate from its mission, vision and goals.
2. Permanent state budgets are used to support the College's: 1) instructional, 2) research, and 3) service programs - in that order.
3. Permanent state budgets all bear some share of any budget reduction, recognizing the possibility of targeted reductions.
4. With advice from faculty, staff and students, budget decisions follow an open, fair, and objective process communicated to the College community in a timely manner.
In implementing the above principles for FY 2003-04, the College will: