Our College is extremely fortunate to have a wonderful group of supporters who make it possible for us to provide financial support to our most distinguished faculty through Endowed Chairs and Professorships.
In addition to donor expectations, described in each endowment agreement, our policy is to award these professorships and chairs to faculty who advance the College's mission, vision, and strategic themes. Faculty eligible to receive consideration must be outstanding scholars and leaders as evidenced by recent performance evaluations.
The terms of these chairs and professorships is for an initial period of three years which, based upon documented satisfactory performance, may be extended for a final period of two additional years. In specific instances, faculty may continue to receive the endowment beyond five years, but in no case will we award an extension beyond ten years.
Acting with the advice of the EFC and the Dean's Council, the Dean nominates faculty candidates to the Provost who carries nominations to the Regents on behalf of the President.
The Denman Professorship in Sustainable Resource Science was established to enhance the University's ability to attract and retain distinguished faculty in the College of Forest Resources involved in the research and teaching of sustainable resource sciences. Candidates shall have demonstrated, through professional activities, expertise in forestry, resource management, environmental science and natural resource issues. In particular, candidates must address how they intend to contribute to the continuing development of the science of sustainability as it pertains to natural resource management.
We expect to award the Denman Professorship in Sustainable Resource Science on September 16, 2009. As a first step in identifying appropriate candidates, I would like to open the floor for nominations, including self-nominations. Please give consideration to someone you believe will use the Professorship to meet donor wishes, advance the College's mission, vision, and strategic themes, possesses the highest level of scholarship, and who has demonstrated a high level of academic and professional leadership and commitment. This should include working with a broad cross-section of individuals, integrating their work with others within the College as well as with others in the University and the community. Nominations must also include a current CV and a 1-2 page statement indicating how the recipient intends to use the Professorship.
All nominations should reach the Office of the Dean no later than May 1, 2009. Shortly thereafter, the dean will request the EFC, acting as a nomination review committee, to review all nominations received and recommend one or more candidates to him for further review and action.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean