January 31, 2008
Friends and Colleagues
I am extremely pleased to announce that Sandra Lier has agreed to serve as interim director of the UWBG beginning March 3, 2008.
Many of you were introduced to Sandra when she served as the UW administration's representative on the ABGC. She was very active with the Committee and took an active interest in many aspects of UWBG matters, including the Master Plan Implementation Group. Her prior administrative experience and knowledge will serve us well as she assumes her new position.
Sandra is available to work at 40% FTE, so we expect her to be on site two days per week. She will provide executive oversight of all elements of UW Botanic Gardens administration, including programs and activities related to research, outreach, and fund raising. She will also continue to strengthen our collaborative working relationships with other UW programs and our external partners to enhance contributions to the UWBG's broad mission in urban sustainability. She will not be expected to fulfill any academic responsibilities.
Please join me in welcoming Sandra to the UWBG.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean