Dear Colleagues,
Following last week's faculty vote, I wish to move ahead with implementation plans regarding the transformation of our curriculum.
As a first step, I request names of faculty who wish to be considered for membership on an Ad Hoc Curriculum Transformation Committee. You may nominate yourself or someone else. If it is the latter, please obtain the person's permission prior to your nomination. To be considered, please send me your nominations by noon, November 21, 2001.
With the advice of the Management Council, I will form the Committee and announce its membership during the week of November 26, 2001. Nominations for student and staff representatives are appreciated as well. I would like to have both graduate and undergraduate students on the Committee.
The Ad Hoc Curriculum Transformation Committee's final written report is due on, or before, February 15, 2002. The CPC and EFC will assist the Committee in presenting progress reports to the faculty and in obtaining feedback on an interim basis. The report is to be submitted to the Dean of the College.
The goal is to have a faculty vote on the Committee's proposal on March 15, 2002. In the Spring 2002 term, we will begin the implementation phase of the curriculum transformation. This will likely continue through a portion of the Summer term so that we can begin to offer the new curriculum in Autumn 2002.
B. Bruce Bare, Acting Dean