We have made great progress in transforming our College's undergraduate curricula this year. However, we have much work to accomplish to fully implement the changes we have agreed on. To keep us moving toward Autumn Quarter 2003 implementation of the new Environmental Science and Resource Management (ESRM) curriculum, I wish to appoint the following Ad Hoc ESRM Curriculum Group:
Tom Hinckley and Jim Fridley (Co-chairs): Clare Ryan, David Manuwal John Perez-Garcia, Gordon Bradley, Dorothy Paun, Eric Turnblom, Sarah Reichard (Kern Ewing alternate), Linda Brubaker, and student representative.
The charge to this Group is to design the content of the four core courses; to identify faculty who will teach these courses; to determine when each course will be offered; and to work with faculty groups (e.g., EHUF, Forest Management, Wildlife Science, etc.) to identify appropriate courses to satisfy the 35 credits of restricted electives. The Group is also asked to work with Michelle Trudeau who is designing a web-based advising system.
We need to move forward quickly if we are to satisfy University deadlines for Autumn Quarter implementation. Thus, I ask that you commence your work immediately.
At the all-college faculty meeting on April 15 please be prepared to update the faculty on the following tasks:
1. identify three faculty who will coordinate each core course as well as the faculty who will receive summer 2003 salary for core course development
2. by May 5, design the content of the core courses and submit new course application forms to Michelle Trudeau.
3. identify existing courses that will be redundant with the new core courses
4. indicate how you will involve the larger faculty likely to be involved in the courses thru workshops, etc., that are organized and planned in advance during spring quarter
5. with faculty group input, identify appropriate courses to satisfy the 35 credits of restricted electives
Although we realize each of you are extremely busy, it is very important that this work proceed as quickly as possible.