April 27, 2006
An Ad Hoc ESRM Recruitment Committee was
appointed on December 20, 2005 and charged with drafting a recruitment report
Provides the recruitment strategy rationale;
Provides a comprehensive recruitment plan, including on- and off-campus
Reflects consultations with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, the
Undergraduate Gateway Center, and environmentally-oriented advising offices
Consolidates ongoing activities with new recruitment efforts;
Produces a calendar of recruitment activities and merge these with ongoing
activities of the Student Services Office;
Describes suggested administrative arrangements and provides for periodic
review of
recruitment activities and their performance; and
Identifies additional resources that may be required of short- and long-term
recruitment activities. As requested, the
completed its assignment with submission
of its final report today. In order to move the implemenation process
forward, I seek additional input from the CFR community in a timely manner.
Thanks very much and best wishes.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean
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