To All Members of the CFR Community,
President McCormick has moved forward with formation of his CFR review committee, as he said he would when he spoke to us in early June. The committee, titled "Charting Directions for the College of Forest Resources", is chaired by Sue Hegyvary, Prof., Behavioral Nursing and Health Systems; other members include Marina Alberti, Assoc. Prof., Urban Design and Planning; Gordon Bradley, Prof., CFR; Charles Chamberlin, Deputy Director of Libraries; Bill Corbin, chair, CFR Advisory Board; Jerry Franklin, Prof. CFR; Elliot Marks, VP, NW Division, The Nature Conservancy; Chavonda Jacobs-Young, Asst. Prof., CFR; John Slattery, Prof., Pharmaceutics; Edie Sonne, CFR student representative; Patricia Wahl, Dean, Public Health and Community Medicine; John Wallace, Prof. Atmospheric Sciences; and Lynn Catlett, CFR staff representative.
The charge letter from President McCormick reads, in part:
"Given the recent change in leadership and the set of opportunities presented by changing intellectual, social, and scientific contexts, I am establishing this committee to consider future scenarios for the College of Forest Resources.
This committee is asked to:
1. Assess the fit between the present mission and goals of the College and the teaching, research, and outreach contexts in which it operates;
2. Identify key intersections of the College with other units on campus, including Engineering, Ocean and Fishery Sciences, and the Program on the Environment;
3. Develop a realistic approach for enabling the College to move beyond the animosities of recent years;
4. Make recommendations to me about the optimal organization and leadership for the College; and
5. Most importantly, evaluate the prospects for the College to (a) become a leader in transforming the discipline in the future; and (b) join other UW colleges and schools in creating a progressive, productive and entrepreneurial future for the University."
The charge letter refers the committee to the strategic documents we have produced here in CFR over the past several years and asks them to consult widely within the academic community and with civic and industry leaders. The report and recommendations are due by December 1, 2001 and will be widely shared.
B. Bruce Bare, Acting Dean