May 5, 2003

CFR Faculty,

The on-going transformation of our College allows us to reflect on and carefully think about many issues related to the instructional work load of our faculty. Under procedures described in the Faculty Handbook, our division Chairs regularly confer with all faculty and discuss: 1) the division's and College's present needs and goals with respect to our mission and vision statements and each faculty member's present teaching, research, scholarly, and service responsibilities and accomplishments; 2) shared goals for the faculty member's teaching, research, scholarship, and service in the forthcoming year (or years, as appropriate) in keeping with the division's and College's needs and goals for the same period; and 3) a shared strategy for achieving these goals. These procedures have served us well and will continue.

To bring additional clarity to our work planning process, we need to restate our current work load expectations in light of the on-going transformation of our undergraduate and graduate, research, and service programs. This College policy provides guidelines to help us through the transitional period between many highly differentiated courses and curricular requirements to our new streamlined model while distributing teaching responsibilities and opportunities fairly.

I will work with our Chairs and faculty to implement work planning that embodies the following expectations. These are established with the knowledge that not all faculty will achieve each expectation in a uniform manner. Further, these are expectations and not constraints that must be satisfied in every instance. Nevertheless, we expect these expectations to be achieved at the divisional and College-levels of aggregation.

  • the standard classroom load for faculty members in regular pay status on 9-month appointments that are fully funded by instructional budgets is three formal courses (i.e., a regularly scheduled course consisting of 3-5 credits at the undergraduate or graduate level)
  • full time state faculty members are expected to generate a minimum of 450 student credit hours per academic year from all teaching efforts
  • full time state faculty members are expected to support graduate students and generate a minimum of $120,000/year of external research grants and contracts.

    Annual work planning with the Chairs will elucidate trade-offs between teaching and research activities following the above schedule. As we move to increase the efficiency of our curriculum, we need to ensure that all state funded faculty are contributing to the College's educational mission while simultaneously satisfying all University obligations.

    Exceptions to the above work load can be granted under the following circumstances, if all costs to the instructional program can be mitigated through other means:

  • Significant administrative responsibilities in the positions of: Dean, Associate Dean, Chair, or Director.

  • Temporary relief for one quarter (one course) may be granted as part of a plan approved by the division Chair to develop new courses in support of the mission of providing high-enrollment service courses to the University, tooling up to teach courses critical to the new College undergraduate program in areas outside current disciplinary expertise, or retooling graduate level programs. The new course must be approved by the division Chair and the College Curriculum Committee and taught no later than the corresponding quarter in the following academic year in which the quarter off is granted.

  • Temporary relief for one quarter (one course) on review and approval by the division Chair and the CFR New Initiatives Team may be granted to develop a substantial and significant new research proposal in support of the College research or teaching mission. Proposals that engage colleagues from other units, develop new funding sources for the PI, and/or pursue exciting developments at the cutting edge of disciplinary interest will receive particular consideration.

  • Temporary instructional buyout. A faculty member may elect to reduce his/her classroom load by transferring part of his/her salary to a non-state budget (i.e., research, self-sustaining instructional budget, etc.), or by taking leave without pay (see below). In the first instance, the rate is a maximum of 10% on state funds per month in the quarter of relief, for one course per academic year. The division Chair must concur of this buyout prior to presentation to the Dean for approval.

  • Sabbatical. A faculty member on sabbatical for one quarter at 100% FTE compensation is relieved of one course in the annual course load of three. A faculty member on leave for two quarters at 75% is relieved of two courses out of the three. A faculty member splitting a two or three quarter sabbatical at reduced compensation over two or more years will negotiate the annual teaching load with the division Chair.

  • Leave without pay. A faculty member may apply to go on leave without pay for up to two consecutive years. If the faculty member negotiates a certain level of instructional responsibilities with the Chair, to take place during the LWO period, the faculty member may be eligible for 5% salary during the leave quarters. Depending on the level of state funds available and the actions necessary to cover the faculty member's teaching responsibility, it may not be possible to pay the 5% from state funds in which case the request may be denied or the faculty member may, if the work load is appropriate, pay him or herself out of research funds.

  • No combination of options shall result in less than a 50% appointment in any quarter.

    B. Bruce Bare, Dean

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