As you may recall, on June 8th I announced the appointment of Dr. John Wott as Acting Director, CUH effective June 16, 2004 and lasting until September 15th or a new director arrived, which ever came first.
Since that announcement, Dr David Mabberley accepted our offer to become the next director of CUH and the WPA. However, his arrival on campus has been delayed pending acquisition of a work visa to enter the country. As of this writing, we do not have a firm date for his arrival.
Therefore, I wish to extend Dr Wott's Acting Directorship of CUH through the end of 2004 or until Dr Mabberley arrives to assume his new duties. In addition, Dr Wott remains director of the WPA.
I greatly appreciate the extra work load Director Wott has assumed and extend to him our support and best wishes.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean