Rapid changes throughout society abound and are especially apparent in the wood products, paper and allied industries. We read about new developments in bio-fuels, bio-energy, bio-refineries, changing private forest land ownership patterns, forest products market segmentation, chain of custody certification, and (yes) sustainability almost daily.
I believe our College is poised to capitalize on a concerted and coordinated effort with other collaborators (on and off campus) to spearhead the development of a new center of excellence in bioresource science and technology. This new center will include research, technology transfer, and outreach programs related to solid wood as well as wood and non-wood fiber materials that encompass the entire supply chain from forest to end consumer. The center's focus will be on the use of renewable raw materials (or biomass) as a source of energy, fuel, and new chemicals that might be produced from bio-refineries. Simultaneously, the center will investigate new science and technologies that will minimize the generation of green house gases during the conversion process and over the entire life of the products produced.
I am asking Professors Gustafson and Lippke to coordinate the College's efforts to prepare a white paper that charts the future course for this center of excellence. We must be especially mindful to include our partners in the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture and Urban Planning (and perhaps others) as well as CFR faculty wishing to actively participate. I am willing to allocate College resources in the development of the white paper as I believe it is supportive of the College's mission and vision.
Please consider your opportunities to collaborate with Professors Gustafson and Lippke when meetings are scheduled. Thanks and best wishes.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean