I am very pleased to report that the Provost has approved our request to fill the position of Director, Precision Forestry Cooperative (PFC). This will be a joint position between CFR and either the College of Engineering or the Department of Earth and Space Sciences.
Over the Summer we will establish a faculty search committee to begin to write a position description for a senior tenured faculty member who will serve as the Director of the ATI/PFC. Our College will assume the lead role, but we will work jointly with the College of Engineering and the Department of Earth and Space Sciences to identify appropriate faculty in their units to serve on the search committee. We will ask all candidates to meet with faculty in ESS, Engineering, and CFR when they visit campus as part of the interview process. Final departmental affiliation with either Engineering or ESS is dependent on the disciplinary interests of the individual we identify.
Our intentions are to to build a high quality program in precision forestry -- focusing on the geospatial sciences. If you have any questions or comments please let me know. Thank you and best wishes.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean