As you know, the University made limited funds available for each college to address its most pressing faculty salary compression issues. Our College received $14,015 that is available for distribution.
In my email message of January 22, 2006, I outlined the process we would use to identify those highly meritorious faculty with compressed salaries.
The EFC reviewed the process and the Faculty PMT Committee implemented it and advised the Dean with their set of compression recommendations. Based upon their advice, plus that of the Faculty Chair, the following highly meritorious faculty with compressed salaries were identified.
Professors David Manuwal (5%), Sarah Reichard (7.25%), and Steve West (7.25%), will receive retroactive salary increases effective September 1, 2005.
We anticipate additional faculty salary compression allocations in future years and will implement the same process utilized this year unless directed otherwise by University policy.
B. Bruce Bare
Dean, Forest Resources