To All Members of the College Faculty and Staff,
As of today, restrictions on hiring, travel and equipment purchases that were imposed on General Operating Fund and Designated Operating Fund budgets in February, 2002 are lifted.
The College sustained a 2% budget reduction (including benefits) of $123,153 which becomes effective July 1, 2002 and will carry forward into the 2003-05 biennium. We will implement reductions per our earlier announced plan ( Ms. Karen Russell will be in contact with those College units managing a permanent state budget to provide specific instructions. Our paper work is due by July 19, 2002.
For your information, all Colleges/Schools on the UWS campus took 2% budget reductions. UW Bothell and UW Tacoma took 5% each. The Graduate School and the Office of Undergraduate Education also absorbed 5% reductions. Most units within general administration took 2% reductions although University Relations (4%) and the Executive Vice President (3%) were larger. Educational Partnerships (UWired, student computer labs, faculty support) were reduced 5% plus elimination of the International Faculty Council. Educational Outreach was reduced 3.7% and the President's Office was reduced 4%.
As we absorb our 2% budget reduction, I intend to continue to look for ways that we can become more self-sustaining and more efficient in meeting our mission. I greatly appreciate the willingness of each of you to help in this endeavor.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean