Given our new organizational structure, it is appropriate that we establish a College committee structure to more efficiently and effectively serve our needs.
Following our September 2003 all-college retreat, an Ad Hoc College Organization and Structure Committee examined our existing committee structure and proposed modifications to improve operational efficiency while simultaneously retaining a high level of communication with all members of the College community. In their final report of November 14, 2003, the Committee recommended the following series of committees:
"We propose that there be created essentially 3 different categories for committees that exist within the CFR:
I. Committees that are specifically mandated and required by the faculty code and/or University policy. Usually the procedure for determining the composition of these committees is also spelled out.
II. Standing committees that need to exist within the College for an indefinite period of time to periodically act on issues facing the College and/or faculty.
III. Ad Hoc Committees that are formed as needed for temporary periods of time to address specific issues that may arise and need faculty deliberation.
Based upon these recommendations and consultation with many other faculty and staff, the following committee structure is proposed for our College effective Winter 2004.
Standing Committees:
Ad Hoc Committees:
All other existing standing and ad hoc College committees that exist are discontinued.
Committee Membership:
The College Curriculum Committee is responsible for overseeing the undergraduate and graduate curricula of the College. The Committee reviews and approves all planned changes to courses and curricula before those requiring faculty action are brought before the faculty for final action. Membership consists of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (Chair), two faculty representing undergraduate programs and two representing graduate programs. The Director of Student and Academic Services and the faculty chair are ex officio members. The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs is responsible for completing Committee membership.
The College Lands Committee is responsible for recommending policies to guide the management of all lands and their associated facilities under the College's jurisdiction. It is chaired by the Associate Dean of Research and consists of the directors of ONRC, Pack Forest, CUH, and two faculty. Committee recommendations are referred to the Dean. The Associate Dean of Research is responsible for completing Committee membership.
The College Planning Committee (CPC) serves to solicit the views of the entire College community and is responsible for facilitating the formation and continual updating of the College's strategic vision and plans. The CPC is chaired by a faculty member and consists of the EFC chair, three faculty, and three staff, and two students.. Recommendations from the CPC are referred to the Dean for action. The Chair is responsible for completing Committee membership.
The College Resources Committee consists of the Dean's Council plus the chair of the EFC. As topics warrant, additional people are invited to attend. The Committee advises the Dean on all matters related to space, budgets and computing resources. The Dean Chairs the Committee and makes final decisions on the allocation of resources.
The College Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee is responsible for distributing the available scholarship/fellowship funds in accordance with CFR Scholarship Policy and fund stipulations; and for recommending adjustments to policy as necessary. The Committee is chaired by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and consists of the faculty chair, and three faculty. The Director of Student and Academic Services and the Assistant Director of Development serve as ex officio members. The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs is responsible for completing Committee membership.
The College Health and Safety Committee recommends action to the Dean to resolve health and safety concerns presented to the committee by employees of the College of Forest Resources or other sources. The Committee chair is elected by the Committee and consists of four elected and three appointed members. The Dean is responsible for completing Committee membership.
The College Library Committee will continue pending the report of a joint CFR and Natural Sciences Library ad hoc group that is investigating the desirability of merging the Forest Resources Branch Library and the Natural Sciences Library. The Committee is chaired by a College faculty member and consists of the CFR Librarian and four faculty. Recommendations are presented to the Dean and Head, UW Libraries for final action. The Dean is responsible for completing Committee membership.
The New Initiatives Team (NIT) is responsible for increasing the sustainable research-funding base of the College. In achieving its mission the NIT looks for promising opportunities to: 1) maintain existing interdisciplinary activities; 2) initiate new cutting edge research opportunities; and 3) create interdisciplinary research teams to address cross-disciplinary problems. The NIT is chaired by the Associate Dean of Research and consists of the directors of the College's centers and cooperatives.
The College Educational Outreach Advisory Committee is chaired by the Associate Dean of Research and the directors of our research centers and cooperatives. This Committee is responsible for the Denman Forestry Issues Series and all educational outreach events organized and sponsored by the College.
The Dean's Council is an administrative group that consists of the Dean, the Associate Deans, the Chair, the Administrator, and the Dean's Assistant. With the exception of personnel matters discussed by the Dean's Council, minutes of the Council's meetings will be made available electronically after each meeting to keep faculty and staff informed of the Council's deliberations. The purpose of the Council is to discuss administrative, operational and funding issues that have a bearing on all programs of the College. The Council will ask other members of the College community to join the meetings on occasion as topics warrant.
The Elected Faculty Council consists of six faculty elected by their colleagues. One of the members serves as chair and another as vice chair. They advise the Dean on matters of academic policy, including priorities, resource and salary allocation, and budgets.
A Faculty PMT Committee consists of six faculty elected for the purpose of preparing faculty promotion, merit and tenure recommendations to the faculty and Dean. One of the members is elected chair. In addition, the Committee develops and updates the specific criteria used in these deliberations following procedures and processes defined in the Faculty Handbook.
The College Ombudsman Committee will be discontinued. Instead, the services of the UW Ombudsman should be used. It was felt that use of a CFR ombudsman might inhibit free exchange, perhaps viewed as "too close" to the problem. CFR members have used the UW ombudsman office satisfactorily in the past.
In order to ensure that the above committee structure adequately captures all functional areas within the College, I ask the College Planning Committee to examine the exact charge given to each of the standing committees and, if needed, suggest further clarification. Committees excluded from this review are the Elected Faculty Council, the Deans Council, the Faculty PMT Committee, and the College Health and Safety Committee. Lastly, suggestions regarding student membership on all committees are welcome.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean