Dear Colleagues,
Acting upon the advice and consent of the College Management Council, I wish to appoint an Ad Hoc Undergraduate Curriculum Implementation Team composed of the following members:
Faculty: Brubaker (Chair), Edmonds, Ewing, Fridley, Lee
Staff: Trudeau
I hope that all of the above are willing to serve on the Team.
The purpose of this team is to help the college make a smooth transition from the present seven major model to the two major model now being designed. I realize that the Ad Hoc Undergraduate Curriculum Transformation Committee is not yet finished with its work, but discussion at the January 8 faculty meeting indicated that we should move ahead with planning for its implementation. Our goal is to implement the new curriculum in Autumn 2002. Therefore, as soon as the Curriculum Transformation Committee completes its work, your immediate attention to the charge given below is requested.
The Team is responsible for ensuring a smooth transition for our students from one major to another. This includes ensuring that currently enrolled students in each major are given clear directions indicating how they can complete degree requirements; establishing an advising structure for currently enrolled and new students; revising (with the assistance of the Office of Student Services) all promotional materials in the UW catalog, web sites and internal college handouts; notifying all community colleges and relevant campus units of our changes; and keeping the college administration properly engaged and updated.
I expect the Ad Hoc Undergraduate Curriculum Transformation Committee to continue to deal with the substantive aspects of course design, sequencing, scheduling, faculty assignments, etc.
I greatly appreciate the Team's willingness to help with this important endeavor. If you need assistance or additional resources to complete your task, please let me know. Thanks and best wishes.
B. Bruce Bare, Acting Dean