About two weeks ago, I circulated an email announcing our upcoming facilitated workshops scheduled for the mornings of Wednesday, September 17 and Thursday September 18. These are very important meetings that every faculty and staff member should attend. At these meetings we will discuss critical issues regarding the College organizational structure, operational management issues, and appropriate reward systems. These are important issues we need to discuss and resolve as we implement changes in the College during the coming year.
To help us move through full discussions of these topics in a timely manner, we have retained the services of Jan Monti and Ingrid Rasch from the Janus Group ( They are working with us to prepare a full agenda, the results of which will guide many actions throughout the coming academic year. I will circulate a set of pre-meeting handouts in about one week and I encourage each of you to read these prior to the meetings.
As shown below, we have slightly amended our original schedule of events per my earlier announcement. Please update your schedules as appropriate.
Wednesday, September 17, 7:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m. including lunch
All-College meeting for faculty, staff, and students. Discussion of College organization issues and appropriate management structures needed for the College to successfully achieve its vision and goals.
Thursday, September 18, 7:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m. including lunch
Faculty meeting to discuss fair PMT reward system that contributes to the achievement of our vision and goals.
The Conference Room at the UW Waterfront Activities Center, 7:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m., including lunch both days.
In order to effectively and efficiently achieve our vision and goals, we need to continue the transformation of our College. All faculty, staff, and students are invited to participate in a discussion concerning how to best define the College's organizational structure to ensure that our momentum remains focused on the future. It is our responsibility to ensure that we offer high quality-high impact programs for our constituents both in and outside of the University.
In discussions of organizational structure we need to consider decision making in the College, lines of authority/responsibility, and mechanisms for accountability. We expect that decisions made on these two days will shape our transformation efforts throughout the year.
We will distribute background materials in about one week. They will clearly define the objectives of the two workshops and associated readings.
I strongly encourage your full participation. This is an opportunity to actively participate in discussions directly related to the organizational structure, function, and culture of our College.
Thanks and best wishes,
B. Bruce Bare, Dean