March 23, 2009


For several months, an ad hoc CFR web advisory committee has been working to complete a set of assigned tasks. Given the importance of our College presenting a high quality presence on the web, as well as building reliable and effective interfaces between the web and our administrative data bases, it has been suggested that the ad hoc committee be given a new charge and continue functioning.

The mission of the revised committee is to:

  • take the lead on the strategic goal related to the College's public image (on and off campus) utilizing the web
  • periodically review the web site content and suggest recommendations to the Dean's Office
  • streamline the internal functioning of the College through administrative web pages and web tools
  • prioritize any changes determined to be important in reflecting the dynamic nature of the College, and ensure that the web site portrays the College in the most attractive manner for prospective students, researchers, donors, and the general public

    Membership in the new committee will consist of:

    Jon Diemer (Chair) Amanda Davis Marc Morrison Monika Moskal Cecilia Paul Steve West Meghan Halabisky (graduate) Dan Rikard (undergraduate)

    B. Bruce Bare
    To Return to:Prof Bare's Page, Dean's Office, College of Forest Resources