I wish to announce that Professor David Briggs has been appointed director of the Precision Forestry Cooperative (PFC), effective January 1, 2005. In addition, Dave retains his directorship of the Stand Management Cooperative. Please join me in congratulating Dave on this new assignment.
As of January 1, 2005 the position of vice chair of the faculty is open. The EFC is asked to begin the process of nominating names to me to fill this position.
The Provost has granted approval of our request to search for two tenure-track junior faculty to be supported on the PFC state budget. The search process will commence early next year. Dave will be seeking the input of the PFC Executive Advisory Board as well as faculty, staff and students as to the critical needs of the PFC and the College. It is expected that one of the faculty positions will be for a new faculty member in remote sensing in order for the PFC to continue its research in this area. Adjunct faculty appointments with appropriate cross campus units are also envisioned.
I wish to thank Professor Gerard Schreuder for his many years of service as acting director of the PFC. He stepped in when asked and provided outstanding leadership during a difficult period for the Cooperative.