President Emmert has scheduled a series of meetings over the summer and autumn with schools and colleges across the three campuses. He will be visiting our College on October 12.
We have been fortunate to benefit from the experience of other units to determine the best possible format for his visit. From what we have learned, an ideal format includes:
Obviously, this cannot be structured as an all-College or all-faculty meeting -- in fact, where this format has been tried it did not yield positive results for either the president or for the unit involved. However, we hope to provide an opportunity for all members of the College to meet the president at a brief reception following the meeting.
Shortly, we will be inviting individuals to make short presentations. Remember that this selection will be as inclusive as possible, but that the short time available to us and the need to use it to maximum benefit means that the criteria outlined above must prevail.
If you are asked to participate I hope you accept. It is a grand opportunity for the College to impress our new president with the breadth and diversity of our people and programs as well as the large array of stakeholders we interact with across a wide geography. Most of all, I want the president to understand our commitment to sustaining our managed and natural environments through collaborative and experiential teaching, interdisciplinary research and outreach programs involving our urban and rural constituents.
Thanks and best wishes.