The CFR Resources Committee met on February 4 to review the prioritized 2008-09 equipment requests submitted by Chair Bradley on behalf of the faculty and Ms. Sandra Lier on behalf of UWBG.
For FY 09, the College received $43,071 for new equipment purchases. A memo was circulated to all College faculty and staff on December 9 announcing the availability of these funds.
As shown on the summary spreadsheet, the Committee received proposals totaling almost $177,000 - four times the amount available. In making its decisions, the Committee favored those proposals that had the greatest promise of a direct impact on our educational and research programs. The CFR Resources Committee recommends, and I concur, that the allocations shown on the afore mentioned spreadsheet be implemented. Also shown are allocations Chair Bradley contributed in the amount of almost $20,000 of RCR funds to help purchase equipment for his faculty.
Given the nature of the worsening financial situation in our State, I urge all receipents of these funds to place their orders within the next two weeks. Funds not encumbered through an order may be rescinded if not used by March 2, 2009. Ms. Beverly Anderson will contact each receipent for their equipment purchase specifications. Only those items that are approved by the Committee may be purchased on these funds and any shortfalls in funding must be met from other sources. Funds not needed to consummate a purchase will revert to the original equipoment pool.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean